The Solar System Question Preview (ID: 44099)

This Game Reviews The Solar System. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the sun?
a) a planet
b) a peanut
c) a star
d) an asteroid

Which of these moves around the Sun in outer space?
a) a star
b) a planet
c) a Isham
d) a Sponge Bob

Which of planet is closest to the Sun?
a) Venus
b) Mercury
c) Mars
d) Jupiter

Which planet is the largest planet and has the GREAT RED SPOT?
a) the Sun
b) Jupiter
c) Uranus
d) Neptune

Which planet is the hottest?
a) Mars
b) Earth
c) Venus
d) Uranus

Which planet is the closest to the Sun?
a) Mercury
b) Venus
c) Earth
d) Mars

Which planet has liquid water and life?
a) Earth
b) Neptune
c) Saturn
d) Jupiter

Which of these planets is a gas giant?
a) Neptune
b) Mars
c) Mercury
d) Earth

Which planet is called the RED planet?
a) Neptune
b) Saturn
c) Venus
d) Mars

What is the correct order of the planets starting at the Sun?
b) Earth, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter
c) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
d) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter

Which planet has large rings and is the lightest planet?
a) Saturn
b) Mars
c) Earth
d) Neptune

Which planet is pale green and is the coldest planet?
a) Uranus
b) Earth
c) Mercury
d) Venus

Which planet is bright blue and is the farthest from the Sun?
a) Neptune
b) Saturn
c) Mars
d) Earth

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