Physical Chemical Changes Energy Transfer Digestive System Question Preview (ID: 44071)

Physical Chemical Changes Energy Transfer Digestive System. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

If we have any substance, it can be concluded that a chemical change has happened if–
a) there is a color change.
b) the state of matter changes.
c) there is a decrease in mass.
d) the matter is stirred thoroughly.

Which of the following would indicate the formation of a new substance?
a) A liquid turns to a solid.
b) A sample of metal melts.
c) Bubbles and fizzing occur.
d) A solid dissolves in a liquid.

Which of the following is an example of a physical change?
a) An explosion
b) A solid stays a solid.
c) A piece of paper is crumpled.
d) Two liquids are mixed and it warms up.

When two liquids are mixed, the container feels colder to the touch. This is evidence of what?
a) A physical change
b) A chemical change
c) A state of matter change
d) No change

When two liquids are mixed, the color and temperature stay the same. This is evidence of what?
a) A physical change
b) A chemical change
c) A state of matter change
d) No change

Which of the following is an example of chemical energy being converted into mechanical energy in the biosphere?
a) The weathering of Earth’s surface breaks down rock to make soil
b) Animals convert the food they eat to muscle movement of muscles
c) Plants store energy collected from sunlight in sugar they produce
d) Lightning strikes dry vegetation in an open field and causes a fire

During digestion, which of the following energy conversions occurs?
a) Chemical energy → heat energy
b) Electrical energy → chemical energy
c) Mechanical energy → heat energy
d) Heat energy → chemical energy

A bird that eats seeds converts the energy stored in the seeds into the energy of its flight muscles. This conversion is from what kind of energy to what other kind of energy?
a) Mechanical energy → thermal energy
b) Radiant energy → chemical energy
c) Chemical energy → mechanical energy
d) Sound energy → radiant energy

Green plants use sunlight to make their own food in the form of glucose. This process, known as photosynthesis, is an example of which of the following energy conversions?
a) Mechanical energy → thermal energy
b) Radiant energy → chemical energy
c) Chemical energy → mechanical energy
d) Sound energy → radiant energy

Thermal energy is one of the forms of energy resulting from digestion which gets energy from food in the form of –
a) mechanical energy.
b) radiant energy.
c) light energy.
d) chemical energy.

Site of water absorption from remaining undigested food to make feces.
a) Small Intestine
b) Stomach
c) Esophagus
d) Large Intestine

Muscular sac-shaped bag where acid and enzymes digest food and kill bacteria. Muscles in the walls churn (contract) to promote mechanical (physical) digestion.
a) Mouth
b) Esophagus
c) Stomach
d) Small Intestine.

Teeth cut and grind food into smaller peices by chewing and saliva lubricates food and adds enzymes to start chemically changing food.
a) Stomach
b) Mouth
c) Small Intestine
d) Esophagus

Tube connecting mouth to stomach.
a) Esophagus
b) Stomach
c) Small Intestine
d) Large Intestine

Long tube wehre only chemical digestion occurs. Finger-like projections called villi are found here which allow for the absorption of nutrients into the capillaries of the bloodstream to be sent to the rest of the body.
a) Large Intestine
b) Stomach
c) Small Intestine
d) Mouth

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