Peloponnesian War And Pericles Review Question Preview (ID: 44029)

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What was the goal of the Delian League
a) Rebuild Athens after the Persian War
b) Conquer Persia
c) Unify city states and protect Greece from invations
d) support democracy in Athens and other city states

He came to power in Athens after the Persian War. Led Athens in their Golden Age
a) Pericles
b) Solon
c) Cleisthenes
d) Homer

What were the main tow Greek city-states that were fighting during the Peloponnesian War.?
a) Corinth and Thebes
b) Athens and Sparta
c) Sparta and Argos
d) Rhodes and Athens

What happened that weakened Athens during the Peloponnesian War
a) Many of their ships were sunk in a huge storm
b) They were attacked by the Persians
c) There was a plague in the city that killed many people including their leader
d) All of the above

When did the Peloponnesian War begin
a) After the Persian war
b) Before the Trojan War
c) After Pericles died
d) None of the above

What was the cause of the Peloponnesian War
a) Sparta was gaining a lot of power in Greece
b) Persia was threatening to attack again
c) Athens was controlling the Delian League and becoming a dominant city state
d) Athens decided to attack Sparta

Which city state had a strong navy
a) Athens
b) Sparta
c) Both
d) Neither

Which city state had a strong army
a) Athens
b) Sparta
c) Both
d) Neither

Who was Pericles?
a) A great general and leader of Athens
b) The king of Sparta
c) A Greek philosopher who was against
d) A famous warrior from Corinth

What former enemy did Sparta receive help from?
a) Crete
b) Persia
c) Rome
d) Athens

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