Ject = To Throw Question Preview (ID: 44014)

Answer The Questions Using Your Knowledge Of The Root Word, Ject. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

This is what happens when you take a CD out of a DVD player.
a) eject
b) interjection
c) subject
d) trajectory

To throw goods overboard to lighten the load on a boat or an airplane.
a) reject
b) dejected
c) interjection
d) jettison

Another name for a SMARTboard is a, _________________.
a) reject
b) subject
c) projector
d) eject

When you go to the doctor you may need to an ___________________.
a) injection
b) eject
c) subject
d) projector

An object thrown into the air with great force, is called a ________________.
a) trajectory
b) projectile
c) jettison
d) dejected

If someone talks to you when you are in the middle of a conversation, the type of comment is an _______________.
a) projector
b) interjection
c) projectile
d) dejected

The higher the plane goes, the wider the angle of which of the following?
a) jettison
b) interject
c) trajectory
d) injected

To throw oneself under someone else's rule.
a) subject
b) eject
c) projectile
d) interjection

a) a word thrown into a sentence or conversation
b) to throw something out because it's defective and can't be used again
c) to feel sad; to feel thrown down in spirit
d) to throw out

The little boy was crying, so I know he felt _________________.
a) trajectory
b) injection
c) projector
d) dejected

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