Particles Of An Atom Question Preview (ID: 44)

Do You Know The Parts Of An Atom? TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

center of an atom
a) nucleus
b) electrons
c) protons
d) molecules

charged particles that spin around the nucleus
a) nucleus
b) electrons
c) protons
d) neutrons

positively charged particles in an atom
a) nucleus
b) protons
c) neutrons
d) electrons

found in the nucleus
a) protons and electrons
b) protons, neutrons and electrons
c) electrons and neutrons
d) protons and neutrons

uncharged particles found in the atom
a) protons
b) neutrons
c) electrons
d) quarks

two or more of the same atoms joined together
a) molecules
b) element
c) compounds
d) quarks

two or more of different atoms joined together
a) molecules
b) element
c) compounds
d) quarks

strong attraction between two bonds
a) chemical bonds
b) atom smasher
c) electron microscope
d) quarks

first to study atoms
a) John Denver
b) John Dalton
c) Isaac Newton
d) Dmitri Mendeleev

Modern atoms are thought to have what type of structure?
a) square
b) solid ball
c) electron cloud
d) shaped like a star

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