The Election Process Question Preview (ID: 43963)

VA SOL CE.5. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who tries to help candidates win elections?
a) Political Parties
b) Mass Media
c) Citizens
d) Government

. Political parties attempt to gain the support of the majority by appealing to ________ of the political spectrum
a) Far Left
b) Far Right
c) Center

Which parties rarely win, but are important because they press for a particular issue and take votes away from the two major parties?
a) Democrats
b) Republicans
c) Fourth Parties
d) Third Parties

What has limited the opportunities for candidates to run office?
a) Time
b) Rising Campaign Costs
c) Family Responsibilities
d) Political Parties

Who has an advantage in election due to the high campaign costs?
a) The Poor
b) The Middle Class
c) The Wealthy
d) Anyone with a job

What do political parties educate voters on?
a) campaign issues
b) voter laws
c) apathy
d) third parties

Which Supreme Court case has allowed PACs and Super PACs to contribute an unlimited amount of money to a campaign?
a) Citizens United v. Federal Elections Committee
b) Tinker v. Des Moines
c) Plessy v. Ferguson
d) Brown v. Board of Education

What are the three qualifications to vote in Virginia?
a) Resident of NC, 16, U.S. Citizen
b) U.S. Citizen, Resident of NC, 17
c) U.S. Citizen, Resident of VA, 18
d) Resident of VA, 17

How many days before the election must you register in order to vote?
a) 19
b) 20
c) 21
d) 22

What three factors separate voters from nonvoters?
a) age, education, income
b) gender, education, school
c) age, residency, legal status
d) income, voting record, age

Lack of interest, failure to register, too busy, and the belief that their vote does not count are all reasons why people-
a) decide to vote
b) think about voting
c) don't vote
d) vote for third parties

Which amendment prohibits federal and state government from denying the right to vote based on “race, color, or previous condition of servitude”?
a) 13th
b) 19th
c) 24th
d) 23rd

The 19th Amendment extended the right to vote to-
a) men
b) former slaves
c) women
d) non-citizens

The 23rd Amendment extended the right to vote in Presidential elections to the citizens of which city?
a) Boston
b) New York City
c) Los Angeles
d) Washington, DC

The 24th Amendment prohibits the use of a-
a) poll tax
b) literacy test
c) voter ID
d) judicial review

The 26th Amendment prohibits federal and state government from denying citizens the right to vote who are at least ___ years old.
a) 21
b) 20
c) 19
d) 18

What does the Voting Rights Act of 1965 prohibit?
a) Poll Tax
b) Voter Discrimination
c) Third Parties

Who officially casts the official vote for the President and Vice-President?
a) House of Representatives
b) The Senate
c) The Electoral College
d) The Citizens

How many electoral votes does a candidate need to win the Presidential Election?
a) 538
b) 270
c) 27
d) 100

Which states do candidates target due to the Electoral College system?
a) Densely populated states
b) Large land area states
c) Less populated states
d) Small land area states

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