Cell Structure And Function A Question Preview (ID: 43957)

Chapter 1-Focus On Life Science. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

There are two types of endoplasmic reticulum
a) Small and large
b) Smooth and rough
c) Long and short
d) Smooth and round

Ribosomes are small structures where ________ are manufactured.
a) molecules
b) cells
c) proteins
d) lipids

What is released during photosynthesis
a) Oxygen
b) Sugar
c) cholorphyll
d) carbon dioxide

The _______ is considered the control center of the cell.
a) cytoplasm
b) cell membrane
c) nucleus
d) endoplasmic reticulum

What is the final product of respiration?
a) Ribosomes
b) ATP
c) DNA
d) RNA

Which organelle is responsible for making, sorting, and shipping molecules
a) vesicle
b) vacuole
c) mitochondria
d) Golgi apparatus

Network of fibers
a) cytoskeleton
b) cillia
c) flagellum
d) nucleus

Short, hair-like appendages
a) cytoskeleton
b) cillia
c) flagellum
d) cytoplasm

Tail-like appendage
a) cytoskeleton
b) cilia
c) flagellum
d) tail

Store energy that can be released quickly
a) lipids
b) proteins
c) nucleic acids
d) flagellum

Help to reduce water loss and form a barrier to invaders
a) lipids
b) proteins
c) nucleic acids
d) cytoskeleton

Involved in protein production
a) lipids
b) proteins
c) nucleic acids
d) cilia

Which part of a plant cell uses light energy to make food?
a) cellulose
b) vacuoles
c) cytoplasm
d) chloroplasts

Which term names a series of chemical reactions that transforms energy in food molecules into usable energy?
a) glycolosis
b) photosynthesis
c) cellular respiration
d) lactic acid fermentation

500 years ago, people thought life came from
a) space
b) tiny organisms
c) nonliving things
d) cells

Which best describes the basis of cell theory?
a) Cells divide rapidly.
b) Cells have different functions.
c) All cells come from pre-existing cells.
d) Cells carry out processing and manufacturing functions.

_______ transform usable energy in food molecules into energy the cell can use.
a) mitochondria
b) choroplasts
c) chlorophyll
d) vacuoles

_______ use light energy to make food.
a) Plants
b) Yeast
c) Bacteria
d) Cells

All new cells come from pre-existing cells.
a) True
b) False

A microscope is needed to see most cells.
a) True
b) False

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