Quiz: The Outsiders Chapter 8-9 Question Preview (ID: 43951)

Quiz: The Outsiders 8-9. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

This character told Pony to, 'look sick,' as the Police Officer approached their car.
a) Dally
b) Johnny
c) Soda
d) Two-Bit

This character said that she could never visit Johnny in the hospital because he killed Bob.
a) Darry
b) Johnny
c) Dally
d) Cherry

After the rumble, this character took Pony to see Johnny.
a) Dally
b) Cherry
c) Soda
d) Marcia

The author of the Outsiders is:
a) S. E. Hinton
b) k.J. Rawling
c) Radley Perkins
d) none of these are correct

This Greaser says, 'Damnit Johnny, don't die!' And then bolts out of the room and down the hallway.
a) The Outsiders
b) Johnny
c) Soda
d) Dally

This character was chosen to start the rumble for the Greasers.
a) Dally
b) Johnny
c) Soda
d) Darry

This Greaser joined the rumble at the last second and said, 'Don't you know a rumble ain't a rumble unless I'm in it!'
a) Dally
b) Johnny
c) Soda
d) Pony

This character dies.
a) Pony
b) Johnny
c) Soda
d) Two-Bit

This greaser fights for 'hatred'.
a) Steve
b) Cherry
c) Marcia
d) Bob

This character tells Pony to, 'Stay Gold'.
a) Dally
b) Johnny
c) Soda
d) Two-Bit

This Greaser liked to drink and get 'high' before a rumble.
a) Pony
b) Johnny
c) Two Bit
d) Cherry

Who won the rumble?
a) the Soc
b) the Greasers
c) The DX
d) none of these are correct

The __________ gang teamed up with the Greasers in the rumble.
a) Shepard
b) Johnny
c) Soc
d) Two-Bit

Which character said: 'I wasn't trying to give you charity Pony Boy. I liked you from the start...the way we talked.'
a) Dally
b) Johnny
c) Soda
d) Cherry

Which character was a spy for the Greasers?
a) Dally
b) Johnny
c) Cherry
d) Bob

Which character said: 'We gotta win that fight tonight. We will do it for Johnny. DO IT FOR JOHNNY!'
a) Dally
b) Johnny
c) Cherry
d) Bob

Dally asked Two Bit to hand over his:
a) pack of cigarettes
b) chair
c) black handled switch blade
d) pocket watch

Which character said: 'I don't want to die now. Sixteen years aren't long enough.'
a) Dally
b) Johnny
c) Soda
d) Pony

Johnny asked Two-Bit to buy another copy of:
a) The Outsiders
b) Gone With the Wind
c) Tex
d) Taming the Star Runner

This character threatened the Doctor with a switch-blade so that he could visit Johnny.
a) Dally
b) Johnny
c) Soda
d) Two-Bit

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