Ch.3 Ancient World ~ Ancient Egypt And Nubia Question Preview (ID: 43935)

Ch.3 Ancient World ~ Ancient Egypt And Nubia. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Egyptians used reeds to make an early form of paper called
a) papyrus
b) pharaoh
c) pyramid
d) regent

An Egyptian ruler was often buried in a triangular shaped building called a
a) pyramid
b) triangle
c) dynasty
d) regent

A series of rulers from the same family is called a
a) dynasty
b) papyrus
c) regent
d) artisan

A strong flood or rush of water is called a _______________.
a) cataract
b) papyrus
c) regent
d) silt

A powerful Egyptian ruler was called a
a) pharoah
b) artisan
c) pyramid
d) astronomer

Which was NOT a reason the Nile River was so important to the Egyptians?
a) provided salt water
b) provided drinking water
c) provided fertile soil
d) provided a chance to trade

Why was the Egyptian Empire able to be controlled at times by rulers from Nubia?
a) Nubians controlled Egypt when the Egyptian Empire grew weak.
b) Egyptian pharaohs granted them power.
c) the Nile River split Egypt in two.
d) Thutmose III destroyed the empire.

Which physical feature helped shape the Egyptian civilization?
a) Nile River
b) Euphrates River
c) Tigris River
d) Smoky Mountains

Which religious fact did NOT affect the lives of the ancient Egyptians?
a) Religion explained the workings of nature.
b) Egyptians preserved the bodies of dead pharaohs.
c) Pharaohs were buried with items for the afterlife.
d) They believed in monotheism.

What was the Rosetta Stone?
a) a stone tablet with 3 types of writing on it
b) a place where they worshipped Osiris
c) a place in the marshy lands of the Nile
d) a meeting place for foreigners

Who became rich when Nubians took control of trade routes by using iron weapons?
a) Meroe
b) Menes
c) Narmer
d) Thutmose

Which city is the Great Pyramid located in?
a) Giza
b) Memphis
c) Nile
d) Greaza

Which social class of ancient Egypt was the largest?
a) peasants
b) kings and nobles
c) pharaohs
d) artisans

How did the Egyptians use astronomy to their benefit?
a) To predict the flooding of the Nile River.
b) To predict the flooding of the Tigris River.
c) To predict when the bears would awake from hibernation.
d) create a new writing system.

In what way did the Egyptians demonstrate their belief in life after death?
a) They preserved the bodies of their dead.
b) farmed the Nile River land
c) united Upper and Lower Egypt
d) They did not think the bodies had to be preserved.

What year did farming communities appear?
a) 5,000 B.C.
b) 6,000 B.C.
c) 7,000 B.C.
d) 500 AD

What is absolute power?
a) complete control over someone or something
b) a wife had power over her husband
c) priests having power over citizens
d) Mr. D is the man

Why did the Old Kingdom fail?
a) became weak and divided (civil war)
b) King Tut died
c) Thutmose III took over
d) Hatshepsut was a horrendous leader

________________ explained natural events to the Egyptian people.
a) religion
b) astronomers
c) shepherds
d) scientists

The Nile River affected ancient Egyptian life by creating
a) hot winds that blew across the land.
b) Lower and Upper Egypt.
c) rich farmland in the river valley.
d) a large desert.

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