Chapter 7 Prt 2 Question Preview (ID: 43933)

Chemical Methods Of Destroying Microbes. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Heat, filtration, refrigeration, high pressure, drying, osmotic pressure, and radiation are examples of what?
a) Physical methods of destroying microbes
b) Chemical methods of destroying microbes
c) None of these
d) These are the only ways to destroy microbes

Phenols, bisphenols, halogens, alcohol, heavy metals, and surface agents are examples of what?
a) Physical methods of destroying microbes
b) Chemical methods of destroying microbes
c) Microbial characteristics
d) None of these

What are no longer used in the U.S. bcuz they are harsh and smelly?
a) Surface agents
b) Heavy metals
c) Hologens
d) Phenols

Some are biocidal and some are antiseptic. Also consist of silver, mercury, and copper. What am I?
a) Heavy metals
b) Halogens
c) Surface agents
d) None of these

This is very effective against bacteria, endospores, fungi, viruses and alters permeability of cell membrane?
a) Bisohenols
b) Halogens
c) Alcohol
d) Heavy metals

Iodine and chlorine are examples of what?
a) Halogens
b) Phenols
c) Bisphenols
d) Alcohol

What works by forming emulsifications which remove surface microbes when washed off?
a) Heavy metals
b) Alcohol
c) Surface agents
d) Phenols

This is an excellent degerming agent, has little antiseptic value when used alone, and breaks up skin oils?
a) Soaps
b) Detergents
c) Alcohol
d) Chlorine

This is effective against many bacteria and fungi but not viruses?
a) Phenols
b) Alcohol
c) Halogens
d) Heavy metals

pHisoHex and triclosan are examples of what?
a) Bisphenols
b) Halogens
c) Phenols
d) Surface agents

Bisphenols are particularly effective against what?
a) Phenols
b) Bisphenols
c) Alcohol
d) Heavy metals

What can cause neurological damage with repeated exposure ( especially newborn)?
a) Gram positives
b) Gram negatives
c) All microbes
d) None of these

When used in large amounts, this can cause a coagulated protein layer that allow the formation of biofilms?
a) Phenols
b) Alcohol
c) Heavy metals
d) Halogens

What is the most degerming action when using alcohol?
a) None of these
b) Sterilizing microbes away
c) Washing microbes away
d) Wiping microbes away

What is triclosan?
a) Agent doesn't exsist
b) Agent found in food
c) Agent in most plastics labeled antibacterial.
d) None of these

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