Microbial Meatabolism Part 2 Chapter 5 Question Preview (ID: 43829)

Metabolism. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Enzymes are named for what?
a) The substrate and tend to end in (ase) ex: sucrose-sucrase
b) The names of vitamin
c) The name of minerals
d) none of these

How does temperature affects an enzyme?
a) rate of enzyme-catalyzed reaction increase with an increase in temp up to its optimal temp
b) High temps cause denaturization
c) both previous answers
d) none of these

How does ph affect an enzyme?
a) acidity improves it
b) none of these
c) there is no ph enviroment needed
d) works best at optimal ph: acidic ph causes denurturization

What are the functions of inhibitors and activators?
a) Certain poisens combine with enzymes and prevent them from functioning
b) cells stop functioning and die
c) both of the previous answers
d) none of these

What are the 3 types of activators and inhibitors?
a) competitive and noncompetitve inhibitors
b) activators
c) none of these
d) two top answers

What is a competitive inhibitor?
a) bind to an enzyme blocking its active site
b) bind to an enzyme at allosteric site, changing shape of the active site so substrate cant bind
c) bind to allosteric sites and keep enzymes in their active configuration
d) none of these

What are noncompetitive (allosteric) inhibitors?
a) All of these
b) bind to allosteric sites and keep enzymes in their active configuration
c) bind to an enzyme blocking its active site
d) bind to enzyme at allosteric site changing shape of active site so substrate cannot bind

Define activators
a) bind to enzyme blocking its active site
b) none of these
c) bind to allosteric sites and keeps enzymes in their active configuration
d) denurturization

All proteins =
a) simple enzymes
b) no proteins
c) holoenzymes
d) none of these

Organic and Inorganic can also be called?
a) Vitamins and minerals
b) alive and dead
c) substances
d) none of these are correct

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