Ch 2 Sabato The Constitution Vol IV Question Preview (ID: 43782)

AP US GoPo 2018. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How does the Electoral College work?
a) Each state determines how it will select its electors; electors then elect the presidident
b) Voters elect electors to state conventions; state conventions then elect the president
c) Congress elects presidential candidates; voters then elect the president
d) Congress selects a slate of electors; voters then select electors, who in turn elect the president

Under the Articles of Confederation, the executive branch was
a) virtually nonexistant
b) quite strong
c) responsible for enacting all laws
d) the workhorse of the federal government

The Fifth Amendment states that a person cannot be
a) all of these
b) forced to give evidence against himself
c) tried twice for the same crime
d) deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law

The government established after the Declaration of Independence was the
a) Articles of Confederation
b) Magna Carta
c) Constitution
d) Mayflower Compact

The legislative branch was established in
a) Article I
b) Article II
c) Article III
d) the Preamble

The most serious disagreement in the debate between large and sall states at the Constitutional Convention was the issue
a) representation in Congress
b) judicial power
c) taxation
d) human rights

A type of government in which the national government is weaker than the sum of its parts is called
a) a confederacy
b) pluralism
c) federalism
d) a unitary system

What is the duty of the executive branch of government?
a) to enforce the laws
b) to collect money for the government
c) to interpret the laws
d) to nominate the Speaker of the Senate

This gives Congress the right to make all necessary and proper laws
a) elastic clause
b) judicial review
c) enumerated powers
d) jurisdiction

Which branch has the sole power to declare war?
a) the legislative branch
b) the executive branch
c) the judicial branch
d) the Joint Chiefs of Staff

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