USI.2c #1 Question Preview (ID: 43718)

Reviews USI.2c (US Water Features). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What river was known as the gateway to the west before the Lousiana Purchase?
a) Columbia River
b) Mississippi River
c) Ohio River
d) Rio Grande River

Which river passageway was explored by the Spanish?
a) Ohio River
b) Colorado River
c) Missouri River
d) Mississippi River

Which body of water provided exploration routes for the French and Spanish to explore Mexico and other parts of America?
a) Colorado River
b) Mississippi River
c) Gulf of Mexico
d) James River

What river was explored by Lewis and Clark?
a) Colorado River
b) Rio Grande River
c) Ohio River
d) Columbia River

Which major body of water serves as a natural and partial border with Canada?
a) Indian Ocean
b) Atlantic Ocean
c) Great Lakes
d) Pacific Ocean

Which river was used to transport farm and industrial products?
a) Mississipp River
b) Ohio River
c) Rio Grande River
d) Colorado River

Which river connects the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean?
a) Mississippi
b) Ohio
c) St. Lawrence
d) Rio Grande

Which body of water forms part of the United States boundary with Mexico?
a) Atlantic Ocean
b) Columbia River
c) Colorado River
d) Rio Grande

Inland port cities grew along which body of water?
a) Great Lakes
b) Mississippi River
c) Pacific Ocean
d) Gulf of Mexico

Which major waterway was a highway for explorers, early settlers and later immigrants?
a) Rocky Mountains
b) Mississippi River
c) Great Lakes
d) Atlantic Ocean

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