Geography Review Question Preview (ID: 43694)
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What is a body of land surrounded by water?
a) volcano
b) strait
c) island
d) bay
What is an opening in the earth, usually raised, through which gasses and lava escape from the earth's interior
a) volcano
b) island
c) cape
d) oasis
What is a narrow strip of water connecting two large bodies of water?
a) flood plain
b) strait
c) delta
d) volcano
flat land near the edges of rivers formed by mud and silt deposited by floods
a) marsh
b) island
c) volcano
d) floodplain
triangular area of land formed from deposits at the mouth of a river
a) delta
b) marsh
c) island
d) volcano
soft, wet, low-lying, grassy land that serves as a transition between water and land
a) delta
b) marsh
c) island
d) volcano
the place where a river flows into a lake or an ocean
a) marsh
b) island
c) mouth
d) cape
a sheltered area of water, deep enough for docking ships
a) island
b) volcano
c) bay
d) harbor
part of an ocean or lake partially enclosed by landd
a) bay
b) sea level
c) cape
d) butte
Level of hte ocean's surface, used as a reference point when measuring the height or depth of the earth's surface
a) bay
b) sea level
c) cape
d) butte
pointed piece of land extending into an ocean or lake
a) bay
b) sea level
c) cape
d) butte
spot of fertile land in a desert, fed by water from wells or underground springs
a) bay
b) sea level
c) cape
d) butte
raised, flat area of land with a steep cliff, smaller than a mesa
a) oasis
b) desert
c) mesa
d) prairie
large, level area of grassland with few or no trees
a) oasis
b) desert
c) mesa
d) prairie
dry area where few plants grow
a) oasis
b) desert
c) mesa
d) prairie
wide, flat-topped mountain with steep sides, larger than a butte
a) oasis
b) desert
c) mesa
d) prairie
wide, treeless plain
a) steppe
b) mountain
c) valley
d) glacier
large ice mass that moves slowly down a mountain or over land
a) steppe
b) mountain
c) valley
d) glacier
low land between hills or mountains
a) steppe
b) mountain
c) valley
d) glacier
natural elevation of the earth's surface with steep sides and greater height than a hill
a) steppe
b) mountain
c) valley
d) glacier
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