Atmosphere Question Preview (ID: 43692)

Atmosphere Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What layer is closest to the Earth?
a) troposphere
b) stratosphere
c) mesosphere
d) thermosphere

What layer is closest to outer space?
a) troposphere
b) exosphere
c) stratosphere
d) mesosphere

What layer protects us from meteors?
a) troposphere
b) stratosphere
c) mesosphere
d) thermosphere

What is the warmest layer?
a) troposphere
b) stratosphere
c) mesosphere
d) thermosphere

Which layers have increasing temperature?
a) troposphere, stratosphere
b) stratosphere, thermosphere
c) troposphere, mesosphere
d) stratosphere, mesosphere

What layers have decreasing temperature?
a) troposphere, stratosphere
b) stratosphere, thermosphere
c) troposphere, mesosphere
d) stratosphere, mesosphere

Radio waves are found where?
a) troposphere
b) stratosphere
c) ozonosphere/ozone layer
d) ionosphere

Which gas is most abundant in the atmosphere?
a) oxygen
b) argon
c) carbon dioxide
d) nitrogen

As elevation increases, air pressure ________________.
a) decreases
b) increases
c) stays the same
d) goes away

The layer that protects us fro harmful UV rays is . . .
a) troposphere
b) stratosphere
c) ozonosphere/ozone layer
d) ionosphere

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