Digital Citizenship Question Preview (ID: 43679)

Complete This Quiz To Earn Your Digital Citizenship! TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What should you do if accidentally post inappropriate content?
b) Don't worry about it, I'm sure no one will see it.
c) Delete if possible, apologize if needed
d) There's no such thing as inappropriate content

Proper online etiquette includes...
a) use proper grammar and punctuation
b) discuss topics in a respectful manner, even even if disagree
c) don't post or share inappropriate or personal information
d) all of the above

Constructivist Learning Theory states...
a) that students learn best through personal interest and experiences
b) that students should build things
c) that students learn best by sitting and listening
d) that classroom activities should always be fun

Digital rights DO NOT include...
a) right to freedom of expression
b) right to privacy
c) right to digital access
d) right to take credit for others personal works

Why is it important to download anti-virus software?
a) to show your teacher you are safe on the internet
b) to prevent you from going on hoax websites
c) to protect your personal data from viruses and hackers
d) I don't need anti-virus programs!

How many elements make up Digital Citizenship?
a) 7
b) 8
c) 9
d) 10

What is a physical effect of technology use?
a) eye strain
b) bad posture
c) repetitive stress syndrome
d) all of the above

What is Digital Citizenship?
a) to be part of an internet group
b) to have all the social media accounts!
c) to play lots of online games
d) to have a good reputation in the digital world

What are the 3 components of REPs?
a) Respect, Explain, Present
b) Respect, Educate, Protect
c) Respond, Explain, Present
d) Respect, Explain, Protect

Which statement(s) best describe digital access?
a) equal digital rights
b) full participation throughout the community and society
c) work to expand use of technology and access to technology
d) all of the above

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