Word A Day Question Preview (ID: 43665)

Vocabulary Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

to find out something by asking a question
a) dainty
b) inquire
c) pounce
d) clench

something when you squeeze it tightly
a) clench
b) monotone
c) attire
d) rambunctious

when you act wild and noisy
a) dainty
b) pounce
c) generous
d) rambunctious

when you jump on something suddenly
a) attire
b) pounce
c) dainty
d) generous

a person who is willing to share
a) generous
b) dainty
c) rambunctious
d) pounce

when it is very delicate
a) monotone
b) dainty
c) attire
d) pounce

clothing you wear
a) pounce
b) dainty
c) monotone
d) attire

when you speak and don't use any expression in your voice.
a) attire
b) claming
c) monotone
d) vacant

a) finicky
b) miniature
c) lingered
d) attire

stayed longered than expected
a) finicky
b) lingered
c) vacant
d) solitude

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