Cells, Cells, They're Made Of Organelles!! Question Preview (ID: 43652)

Cell Parts, Cell Organization And History Of Cells. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is a eukaryotic cell?
a) A cell with a nucleus
b) A cell with NO nucleus
c) A cell that can make it's own food
d) A cell that can NOT make it's own food

What does the chloroplast do?
a) they control the cell
b) they protect the cell
c) they make proteins for the cell
d) they make food for the cell (photosynthesis)

What is the jelly-like substance in the cell?
a) the nucleus
b) the cell membrane
c) the cytoplasm
d) the chloroplast

What does the nucleus do for the cell?
a) It keeps all of the organelles in place
b) It protects the cell
c) It's the barrier that lets things into and out of the cell
d) It controls the activities of the cell.

All cells have:
a) nucleus, DNA, cytoplasm
b) cell wall, cell membrane, DNA
c) DNA, cytoplasm, chloroplast
d) cytoplasm, cell membrane, DNA

Which sentence is not true and not part of the cell theory?
a) All cells come from existing, living cells
b) All cells have a nucleus
c) Cells are the building blocks of all living things
d) All living things are made of one or more cells

What is an organ system?
a) a group of cells working together
b) a group of tissues working together
c) a group of organs working together
d) a group of organ systems working together

What is an organ?
a) a group of cells working together
b) a group of tissues working together
c) a group of organs working together
d) a group of organ systems working together

What is a cell?
a) a building block of minerals
b) a basic unit of life
c) a basic unit of non-living things
d) tiny non-living things that make up living things

What does a plant cell have that an animal cell doesn't?
a) cell wall
b) cytoplasm
c) DNA
d) nucleus

Which structure is NOT in all cells?
a) cell membrane
b) nucleus
c) DNA
d) cell membrane

Who discovered cells and named them?
a) Robert Hooke
b) Albert Einstein
c) Neil Armstrong
d) My mom

People's cells are
a) unicellular
b) prokaryotic
c) autotrophic
d) heterotrophic

Which a an example of a prokaryotic cell?
a) animal cells
b) plant cells
c) both plant and animal cells
d) bacteria cells

What are organelles?
a) tissues
b) organs
c) parts of a cell
d) living parts of a body

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