Integumentary System Question Preview (ID: 43647)

Questions About The Integumentary System. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What causes goosebumps?
a) Arrector pili muscles contracting
b) When a goose walks over your grave
c) Meeting Justin Timberlake
d) Being too warm

What are sudoriferous glands?
a) oil glands
b) sweat glands
c) hair follicles
d) nail beds

As people age, their skin becomes
a) less elastic
b) thinner
c) drier
d) all of these

What is the Rule of Nines?
a) a way to estimate the extent of burns
b) the number of minutes you can spend in the sun before burning
c) how long it takes skin to grow back after a wound
d) the size of a mole that needs to be biopsied

A sunburn that results in blisters is most likely
a) first degree
b) second degree
c) third degree
d) thirteenth degree

Babies are born with a covering called
a) meconium
b) vernix caseosa
c) sebum

Warts and cold sores result from
a) bacterial infections
b) viral infections
c) bed bugs and lice
d) kissing frogs

Which is the outermost layer of the epidermis?
a) stratum corneum
b) stratum lucidum
c) stratum granulosum
d) stratum basale

The integumentary system includes
a) har
b) skin
c) nails
d) all of these

Where would you find pericardium?
a) lining around the lungs
b) lining around the heart
c) lining around the digestive system
d) above the dermis

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