Unit 5- East Asia Question Preview (ID: 43636)

Review For Unit 5 On Asian Civilizations. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A ________________________ was the head of a noble family in Japan who controlled vast landed estates.
a) Bushido
b) Samurai
c) Daimyo
d) Shogun

A _________________________ is a powerful military leader in Japan.
a) Shogun
b) Shinto
c) Samurai
d) Daimyo

______________________________is the Japanese state religion that values the divinity of the emperor and the sacredness of the Japanese nation.
a) Bushido
b) Shinto
c) Zen
d) Neo-Confucianism

An _______________________ is a chain of islands.
a) Porcelain
b) Khanate
c) Archipelago
d) Shinto

__________________________ is the strict code by which the Japanese samurai were supposed to live by.
a) Daimyo
b) Zen
c) Shinto
d) Bushido

The separate territories that Genghis Khan's empire was split into under the rule of his sons were called ___________________________.
a) Khanates
b) Archipelagos
c) Zens
d) Shoguns

______________________ is a sect of Buddhism that became popular with Japanese aristocrats and became part of the samurai's code of behavior.
a) Shinto
b) Zen
c) Bushido
d) Daimyo

A ____________________________ was a Japanese warrior similar to the knights of medieval Europe.
a) Samurai
b) Shogun
c) Khanate
d) Shinto

__________________________ is a ceramic made of fine clay baked at very high temperatures.
a) Shinto
b) Zen
c) Porcelain
d) Archipelago

________________________________ is a revised from of Confucianism that evolved as a response to Buddhism and was popular in China in the late Tang Dynasty.
a) Shinto
b) Zen
c) Neo-Confucianism
d) Bushido

Which dynasties marked a Golden Age of China?
a) Ming and Song
b) Song and Tang
c) Sui and Song
d) Yuan and Tang

How did the religions/philosophies of Buddhism and Confucianism coexist in China?
a) They blended well together to create a peaceful state
b) They were directly opposed to one another with competing beliefs
c) They were separate and had no connection to one another
d) They existed in different time periods of China's history

A combination of Neo-Confucianism and civil service exams allowed for what in Chinese society?
a) People to move up in social class by mastering Confucian principles and passing the exam
b) A standard of laws to be made regarding Confucian ideas
c) A code for the Mongols to follow in ruling China
d) A stronger military in China

How did the Mongols take control of China?
a) China was mostly abandoned
b) China was under poor leadership
c) The military strength allowed them to defeat Chinese leadership
d) China adopted Mongolian culture and was absorbed by the Mongols

Which of the following BEST describes China during Mongol rule?
a) The Mongols forced their culture on the Chinese
b) The Mongols forced the Chinese to be their slaves
c) The Mongols adopted parts of Chinese culture and won the support of many Chinese people
d) The Mongols let the Chinese govern themselves under Mongol control

Who exercised the actual power during the period of Japanese fuedalism?
a) Samurais
b) Emperor
c) Daimyo
d) Shogun

Who controlled vast land estates in Japanese feudalism?
a) Shoguns
b) Daimyos
c) Samurais
d) Shintos

What is the relationship between the religion/philosophies of Shinto vs. Zen Buddhism in Japan?
a) Shinto was the belief of Early Japan while Zen Buddhism developed among the Samurai and aristocrats
b) The two religions were in fierce competition between the poor who practiced Shinto vs. the wealthy who practiced Zen Buddhism
c) Shinto was the original religion of Japan but after being conquered by outside enemies Zen Buddhism became the dominant relig
d) Zen Buddhism eventually phased out Shinto completely

Which of the following BEST describes the development of Korea?
a) They gained their independence from China and then flourished as their own empire
b) The Mongols took over, but then Korea was controlled by China
c) It was originally controlled by China, was then fought over in Civil War by different Kingdoms within Korea, and was then tak
d) They developed independently from influence from other empires as their geography led to them being isolated

Which of the following BEST describes the influence of different cultures on the states of Southeast Asia?
a) They were heavily influenced by the Mongols
b) They were influenced mostly by a combination of Indian and Chinese cultures
c) Geography led them to develop with no influence from outside countries
d) They were influenced by Japan more than any other culture

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