Atoms Question Preview (ID: 43605)

Atoms. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is an Atom?
a) Matter
b) A thing for Science
c) Neutrons
d) The smallest particle of a element and it makes up all matter

What is a Proton?
a) Positive charge, located in Nucleus
b) Negative charge , found in Electron Cloud
c) Neutral charge found in Nucleus
d) Atomic Mass

What is a Neutron?
a) Atomic Number
b) Negative charge , found in Electron Cloud
c) Positive Charge, located in Nucleus
d) Neutral charge ,found in Nucleus

What is a Electron ?
a) Negative charge , found in Electron Cloud
b) Neutral charge, found in Nucleus
c) Positive charge, located in Nucleus
d) Atomic Symbol

What is Atomic Mass?
a) The Mass of an Atom
b) The Nucleus
c) Atomic Number
d) Titanium

What makes a Atom reactive?
a) An Atom with a complete Valence Shell
b) An Atom with a incomplete Valence Shell
c) Located in group 5
d) Periodic Table

What is the Electron Cloud?
a) The cloud around the nucleus containing Electrons
b) The place where Neutrons are located
c) The Atomic Number
d) A cloud in the sky

What is the period number tell you?
a) The number of Shells in a atom
b) The number of Electrons
c) The number of Neutrons
d) The Mass of an Atom

Who is Dmitri Mendeleev?
a) The guy who created Atoms
b) A famous author with over 10,000 books
c) The man who created the Periodic Table
d) The man who created the Bohr Model

What two things are the same as the Atomic Number?
a) Protons and Electrons
b) Protons and Neutrons
c) Neutrons and Electrons
d) Dmitri Mendeleev

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