Epithelial/Connective Tissues Question Preview (ID: 43590)
End Of Epithelium/intro To Connective Tissue.
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Epithelial cells that are good for secretion.
a) Cuboidal
b) Columnar
c) Squamous
d) Chondrocytes
Epithelial tissue that allows substances to diffuse through it.
a) Simple Cuboidal
b) Stratified Squamous
c) Stratified Columnar
d) Simple Squamous
What is the purpose of the cilia on the surface of columnar cells?
a) Absorption
b) Moving substances across surfaces
c) Attractiveness
d) Secretion
What is the function of goblet cells?
a) Secrete mucus
b) Allow substances to diffuse through
c) Movement of particles across surfaces
d) Provide flexibility
What is the function of villi and microvilli
a) Absorption
b) Movement of particles across surfaces
c) Attractiveness
d) Protection
Glands that secrete their substances out onto body surfaces.
a) Columnar
b) Endocrine
c) Exocrine
d) Plantar
Glands that secrete their substances into body tissues.
a) Columnar
b) Endocrine
c) Exocrine
d) Plantar
What would be the function of a connective tissue with a gel-like matrix?
a) Diffusion
b) Contraction
c) Mitosis
d) Flexibility
What function of connective tissues does bone perform?
a) Connection
b) Flexibility
c) Protection
d) Transportation
Which connective tissue fibers give flexibility to our ligaments and tendons?
a) Cartilage
b) Collagen
c) Elastin
d) Keratin
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