Midterm Fall 2018 Question Preview (ID: 43564)

Test Prep. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who are some of the authors we've covered?
a) Blake, Shelley, Wollestonecraft, Equiono
b) Blake, Wollestonecraft, Burke, Paine
c) Blake, Locke, Paine, Franklin
d) Blake, Johnson, Paine, Burke

Who wrote about mining salt?
a) Douglas
b) Equiano
c) Prince
d) Wheatley

What makes Jane Austen non-tradional?
a) She was very popular.
b) She wrote a Feminist novel in three parts that broke down the protagonist.
c) She created a lot of strong male characters.
d) She didn't use dialogue.

Who is the outcast in the bunch?
a) Paine
b) Blake
c) Burke
d) Wollstonecraft

Who wrote poetry?
a) Blake
b) Paine
c) Burke
d) Equiano

What War influenced our authors?
a) World War II
b) World War I
c) Civil War
d) French Revolution

What is odd about Jane Austen's characters?
a) No physical description
b) They don't speak directly it's all retold
c) They are all rude upper class people
d) They love one another

Who changes the most in Austen's novel?
a) Darcy
b) Elizabeth
c) Lydia
d) Mrs. Bennet

Who wrote about women's rights?
a) Austen
b) Prince
c) Wollestonecraft
d) Equiano

When does Elizabeth claim she falls for Darcy?
a) Her visit to Pemberly/meeting the housekeeper.
b) When Jane tells her she ought to love him.
c) When he proposes. She's swooned!
d) When Wickham speaks highly of him.

Paine agrees with Burke.
a) True
b) False

Slavery was more ignored in England than in America.
a) False
b) True

Austen dealt with class diversity in her novel.
a) Weath was never mentioned.
b) Money was not important.
c) No. all characters were treated the same.
d) Yes. many characters were cast out for doing the wrong thing.

Feminism today is equality between men and women.
a) True
b) False

Which daughter never marries?
a) Jane
b) Lydia
c) Kitty
d) Elizabeth

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