Science And Technology Question Preview (ID: 43560)

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1. What is science and technology in education?
a) A statistical compendium of indicators, in which it presents in a consolidated way the performance of the countries.
b) It is increasingly becoming a significant area of attention for educational policy in the world.
c) It allows not only the reduction of costs.
d) The technological knowledge

What is technology in education?
a) Science and technology are an integral part of modern life
b) It is the incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies in education to support the teaching and learning pr
c) We are surrounded by technologyand the products of science every day.
d) The need to develop a Croatian strategy for education, science and technology arose due to the profound changes

What advantages does technology have in education?
a) development and implementation ofTechnological Pedagogical.
b) This lack of interest in science often manifests itself at school level at the age where curricular choices are made
c) It promotes the quality of learning and the development of skills of society, Increases economic productivity in society.
d) Science and technology are an integral part of modern life

What is technology for?
a) Some key issues and recent trends in the development of science and technology are discussed
b) To solve in a more effective, fast and efficient way some of the problems that arise every day in the life of the human being
c) with particular reference to interdisciplinary education in both primary and secondary schools.
d) technology in education can bring lots of improvements

¿Por qué es importante la tecnología?
a) learning can actually become fun when used with technology.
b) It is ideal to make training sessions,presentations, classes, workshops, conferences and meetings interactive
c) It is ideal to make training sessions,presentations, classes, workshops, conferences and meetings interactive
d) Technology refers to the collection of tools that make it easier to use, create, manage and exchange information.

The importance of Science in education?
a) The teaching of science is an inherent need in our society, and that allows citizens to comment, participate
b) A tool for students to use in class
c) Because of technological advancements that have allowed those devices to become more prevalent, smaller, and cheaper, school
d) Even if they are, many are not able to bring those devices to school.

Benefits of science for education.
a) Practical application in different levels.
b) It is the incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies in education to support the teaching and learning pr
c) It allows not only the reduction of costs.
d) The need to develop a Croatian strategy for education, science and technology arose due to the profound changes

What is science?
a) part of life
b) is a education science
c) a) Branch of human knowledge constituted by the set of objective and verifiable knowledge on a given subject that are obtaine
d) online education

what do you need the science?
a) a) The uses, applications and indirect products of science are multiple (its direct product, without a doubt, is knowledge).
b) It is the incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies in education to support the teaching and learning pr
c) It allows not only the reduction of costs.
d) The need to develop a Croatian strategy for education, science and technology arose due to the profound changes

What is the importance of science and technology?
a) Science and technology are an integral part of modern life
b) b) Public policy decisions that affect every aspect of our lives are based in scientific evidence..
c) It allows not only the reduction of costs.
d) The need to develop a Croatian strategy for education, science and technology arose due to the profound changes

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