Numbers! Question Preview (ID: 43551)
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Which of the following statements is FALSE?
a) Every whole number is rational
b) Every whole number has predecessor
c) Every natural number has predecessor
d) Every natural number has a successor
The sum of two integers that have negative signs is?
a) Always zero
b) Always a negative number
c) Always a positive number
d) Can not be determined
The sum of two integers that have different signs is?
a) Always a positive integer.
b) It depends on the absolute value of the numbers
c) Always a negative integer.
d) Always zero.
Choose the statement that best describes the relationship between natural and integer numbers.
b) All natural numbers are integers
c) All whole numbers are natural.
What is the most popular type of number system?
a) Brahmagupta numerals
b) Hindu Arabic numerals.
c) Aryabhat numerals
If you lower a larger number, the result is positive?
b) True
c) False
What is a numerical sequence?
a) It is a group of numbers written without any order
b) It is an ordered set of numbers
c) They are numbers that express a date
d) They are random numbers
The union of the integers and the fractionals gives the set of the reals?
b) No
d) Yes
All infinite decimals are irrational?
b) No
d) Yes
The zero is a real number?
a) Tue
c) False
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