Simple Past And Past Continuous Question Preview (ID: 43531)

This Test Will Be Useful For You To Practice Your Grammar Skills Related To This Topic. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

1) What do we use the Simple Past for?
a) a) Things that were completed in the past.
b) b) Things that will be completed in the future.
c) c) Things that are in progress.
d) d) Things that started in the past but continue until the present.

Which of the following verbs is in the past?
a) a) Work.
b) b) Ridden.
c) c) Said.
d) d) Playing.

Which one of these verbs is irregular?
a) a) Followed.
b) b) Gave.
c) c) Paid.
d) d) Trusted.

Which one of these verbs is regular?
a) a) Followed.
b) b) Went.
c) c) Came.
d) d) Rode.

Select the auxiliary verb for the simple past in the interrogative form.
a) a) Will.
b) b) Do.
c) c) Did.
d) d) Are.

What do we use the past continuous for?
a) a) Actions that were in progress at a specific time in the past.
b) b) Actions that are in progress now.
c) c) Actions that happened in the past.
d) d) Actions that will begin the future.

Choose the corresponding verb form to complete the following sentence Yesterday at six, I __________ the dinner.
a) a) Will prepare.
b) b) Am preparing.
c) c) Was preparing.
d) d) Were preparing.

Which of these words is used to connect the past continuous with simple past together?
a) a) Now.
b) b) Today.
c) c) While
d) d) Later.

9) When you use the past continuous with two actions in the same sentence, it expresses that:
a) a) Both actions were happening at the same time.
b) b) Both actions are happening now.
c) c) Both actions happened in the past.
d) d) Both actions will happen in the future.

Select the auxiliary verb for the past continuous in the interrogative form.
a) a) Was / Were.
b) b) Did.
c) c) Do.
d) d) Will

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