Economic Terms - Unit 3 Question Preview (ID: 43517)

This Tests Information From The GSE Social Studies Standards In 6th Grade. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Refusal to purchase a good/service from a specific company or country is called;
a) a boycott
b) an embargo
c) a tariff
d) a sanction

Any activity which slows or outright blocks the free exchange (trade) of goods and services between nations is called;
a) a quota
b) a sanction
c) a trade barrier
d) a domestic trade blockade

This term refers to the products which originating in one's own country.
a) Foreign
b) Boycott
c) Sanction
d) Domestic

A trade barrier that blocks all trade with another nation is called;
a) an embargo
b) a boycott
c) specialization
d) a tariff

A trade barrier that places a limit on imported goods is called;
a) a boycott
b) a quota
c) a tariff
d) an embargo

The act of economically punishing another nations is called;
a) a domectic quota
b) a foreign boycott
d) a sanction

A trade barrier which places a tax on imported goods is called;
a) a sanction
b) a quota
c) a tariff
d) an embargo

A blend of market, command, and traditional economies is called;
a) a mixed economy
b) a blended economy
c) a marcomtra economy
d) None of these answer are correct

Trading goods with no money exchanged is called;
a) subsistence
b) stealing
c) bartering
d) free enterprise

A economic model where government planners make ALL business and financial decisions is called;
a) a mixed economy
b) a command economy
c) a traditional economy
d) a market economy

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