Plants And Animals Question Preview (ID: 43511)

Plant And Animal Cells. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

what is the main purpose of the mitochondria?
a) powerhouse
b) the cell brain
c) protects organelles
d) rigid outer layer

who named the cell?
a) Albert Einstein
b) Alfred Wegener
c) Robert Hooke
d) Gallileo

what type of cell has a cell wall?
a) plant
b) animal
c) iphone 8
d) jail cell

which type of cell has small vacuoles?
a) plant
b) animal
c) iphone 8
d) jail cell

what does a nucleus do?
a) powerhouse
b) used for photosynthesis
c) protects the cell
d) brain of the cell

what does the cell membrane do?
a) Lets things pass in and out of the cell
b) brain of the cell
c) powerhouse
d) helps with photosynthesis

what answer choice explains ONE part of cell theory?
a) everything is made up of only one cell
b) cells come from cells
c) cells just randomly appear
d) all of the above

Are humans unicellular or multicellular?
a) unicellular
b) multicellular

is bacteria unicellular or multicellular
a) unicellular
b) multicellular

why did Robert Hooke name cells cells?
a) they were circles
b) they were triangular
c) They looked like tiny monk cells
d) they were connected

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