Unit 1 Test Review Question Preview (ID: 43476)

Unit 1 Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A boy was walking down a blacktop path lined with oaks. The boy dribbled a ball down the path. He couldn't wait for his first game.
a) First person
b) Second person
c) Third person

The sun may have been 90 million miles away, but it felt like it was right on top of me, weighing me down. There wasn't shade anywhere. Not so much as a flower to hide behind. The plains were barren and sweltering. A dust cloud whipped by me.
a) First person
b) Second person
c) Third person

Cannonball! Julio shouted as he leapt from the pool deck. The splash was so large that the sunbathers got wet. Wow, Julio, that was a big splash. Tom said to him after he emerged from the water. He smiled and nodded. Julio and Tom were best friends.
a) First person
b) Second person
c) Third person

The birds and squirrels gathered before me in the park. They were hungry and thought I had food. Unfortunately for them I had eaten my whole lunch earlier and didn't have any bread crusts or leftover pretzels to give them.
a) First person
b) Second person
c) Third person

A dog was barking loudly in a back alley. Empty boxes were scattered across the ground. The dog continued barking. A man with a chef hat opened a large metal door and tossed the dogs some bones.
a) First person
b) Second person
c) Third person

Your friend _______ too much.
a) talks
b) talk
c) talking

The man with the roses _______ your brother.
a) look
b) looks
c) looking

The football players _______ every day.
a) run
b) runs
c) running

The girls in the pool _________ well.
a) swim
b) swims
c) swimming

The red haired lady ________ across the street.
a) live
b) lives
c) living

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