E2 Called Out Quiz Question Preview (ID: 43473)

Pages 51-54 In Textbook. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The text in lines 10–12, “highway medians . . . looked like the seed-packet promises come true,” provides support for which of the following excerpts from the essay?
a) “The spring of 1998 was the Halley’s Comet of desert wildflower years.” (lines 1–2)
b) “Our mountains wore mantles of yellow brittlebrush on their rocky shoulders . . .” (lines 6–7)
c) “While nearly everyone else on the planet was cursing the soggy consequences of El Niño’s downpours . . .” (lines 2–3)
d) “Our desert hills and valleys were colorized in wild schemes of maroon, . . .“ (lines 4–5)

Why does the author insert the dialogue between the narrator and a friend from the East (lines 29–42)?
a) to show that everyone in the country knows about the wildflowers
b) to define significant scientific terms
c) to emphasize how special and mysterious the annual blooming is
d) to entertain readers with humor

The wildflowers seen in the Sonoran Desert
a) are equipped with no survival mechanisms to help them thrive.
b) grow only from seeds dropped from migrating birds.
c) have less resistance to drought than other species.
d) produce seeds that vary in the time they spend dormant.

Which set of words shows the author’s view of the desert flowers?
a) fuss, prognosticating, waiting
b) miracle, magic, remarkable
c) fragile, bloom, death
d) flat, salinized, rocky

The colorfulness of the desert spring is determined by the amount of rain that falls in the
a) previous summer.
b) previous autumn.
c) preceding winter.
d) spring itself.

What is the meaning of the metaphor “It’s just a blink, or maybe a smile . . .” (line 115)?
a) Each spring flowering brings joy to of those who see it.
b) Each spring flowering is a relatively brief moment.
c) Each spring flowering includes a variety of blindingly brilliant colors.
d) Each spring flowering is unique.

To prognosticate is to
a) put off doing something unpleasant.
b) guess what might happen in the future.
c) complain about the present situation.
d) figure out the source of an illness.

What word or phrase is related to ephemeral?
a) bubbly
b) surprising
c) long-living
d) quickly over

What does botanical mean?
a) having to do with the body
b) all natural
c) plant-related
d) having to do with mechanics

A benefaction is a
a) gift.
b) division.
c) medicine.
d) fracture.

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