Whitcomb Latin Unit 2 Question Preview (ID: 43472)
Latin Word Practice From Units 1+2.
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Ubi ursi habitant?
a) in villa
b) in saxo
c) in silva
d) in oppido
Vir dormit quod est...
a) defessus
b) iratus
c) laetus
d) mortuus
viginti est
a) 18
b) 12
c) 14
d) 20
Feminae in villam intrant
a) A woman enters in the house
b) Women enter into the house
c) Girls enter into the house
d) A girl enters into the house
Quis est mortua?
a) Melania Trump
b) Cleopatra
c) Betty White
d) Beyonce
Which two words are NOT opposites?
a) iratus - laetus
b) magnus - parvus
c) intrat - discedit
d) mortuus- multus
Sum laetus quod...
a) I got a present
b) I broke my leg
c) It's on the floor
d) I see the teacher
Quid est maximus numerus ? (the biggest)
a) centum
b) mille
c) viginti
d) nihil
Quis ambulat?
a) villa
b) saxum
c) vir
d) oppidum
(In Latin) The plural of monster is...
a) monstri
b) monstra
c) monstrum
d) mostro
Which word is NOT feminine
a) puella
b) silva
c) femina
d) oppida
Quid est periculosus (dangerous)?
a) femina defessa
b) saxum parvum
c) ursus iratus
d) villa magna
Discipulus dormit quod...
a) est laetus
b) est defessus
c) est parvus
d) est iratus
Quis in schola intrat?
a) saxum
b) ursus
c) porcus
d) vir
Which Latin word rhymes with fly?
a) sum
b) Hi
c) Hae
d) Iam
If I say, Fac iam! (in Latin) I mean...
a) I am fun
b) Do nothing
c) Don't do it!
d) Do it now!
What sentence is NOT true about you?
a) Sum in schola
b) Sum discipulus
c) Sum arbor
d) Sum iratus aliquando (sometimes)
Where might be a good place rest?
a) sub monstro
b) sub villa
c) sub arbore
d) in saxo
Puer currit ex silva Another way to say this is.... (ex = out of)
a) Puer discedit
b) Puer ambulat ad silvam
c) puer intrat
d) Puer in silva habitat
Quis non est mortua?
a) George Washington
b) Bill Clinton
c) Henry VIII
d) Julius Caesar
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