Dividing Nation REVIEW Question Preview (ID: 43467)

Study This To Prepare To Review Characteristics Of The North And South Before The Civil War. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

This region had a longer growing season.
a) North
b) South

This region had a short grow season.
a) North
b) South

What did John Brown hope to achieve in his raid on Harpers Ferry?
a) To start the Civil War
b) To bring the North and South together in a new compromise
c) To bring attention to the fight between North and South
d) To trigger a slave revolt that would bring an end to slavery

What was the Supreme Court's decision in the Dred Scott case?
a) That slavery was an embarrassment to the USA
b) That African Americans had full rights protected by the Constitution
c) That slaves were property and could not sue in court
d) That the president could bring an end to slavery

This region's small farms produced food crops like corn and wheat.
a) North
b) South

This region's large farms produced cash crops like cotton and tobacco.
a) North
b) South

This region mostly depended upon rivers for transportation.
a) North
b) South

This region had more roads, canals, railroads, and telegraph lines.
a) North
b) South

This region's economy depended upon slave labor.
a) North
b) South

Which of the following is true about Bleeding Kansas?
a) It led to a lasting peace between North and South
b) It was a violent struggle over slavery
c) It convinced Southerners that slavery should end
d) It kept Kansas from being added as a free state

This region had a higher population.
a) North
b) South

What was the impact of Uncle Tom's Cabin?
a) It helped the North and South come to a peaceful agreement
b) It caused Congress to end slavery
c) It caused the South to secede
d) It led more people to turn against slavery

The economy and politics of this region was controlled by wealthy plantation owners.
a) North
b) South

What was the result or outcome of the Missouri Compromise in 1820?
a) it ended slavery
b) It led to a higher number of slaves states than free states
c) It kept the peace between North and South for 30 years
d) it caused the South to secede

Which best describes the Underground Railroad
a) a secret group that worked to help slaves escape
b) a train that carried people to Canada
c) a series of tunnels
d) people that captured runaway slaves and returned them to slaver

Which of the following was an escaped slave that returned time and time again to the South to help other slaves escape?
a) John Brown
b) Harriet Tubman
c) Frederick Douglass
d) Nat Turner

By law, what were slaves?
a) immigrants
b) children
c) citizens
d) property

Which of the following best describes slave homes?
a) brick house with doors, windows, and a front porch
b) small apartment
c) overcrowded one room cabins
d) plantation mansion

What did slaves most fear?
a) being sent to Africa
b) being sold away from loved ones
c) learning to read and write
d) being paid for work

Which of the following best describes slaves’ working conditions?
a) forced to work from sun up to sundown
b) able to start working whenever they wanted to
c) well paid for work that they chose to do
d) given many breaks and time off

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