Unit 2 - American Life Question Preview (ID: 43420)

Ch 4-6, The American Pageant. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why had birth rates increased by the end of the 17th century?
a) Things had become more settled and due to natural selection more women were surviving pregnancies
b) Better food and products sold to the Americas
c) Slaves did most of the hard work
d) Indentured servitude had ended dropping the death rate among immigrants.

What was one result of increased tobacco production in the English colonies?
a) Prices increased due to the variety of tobacco grown in the colonies
b) Demand went down but prices went up
c) The market was flooded with tobacco driving prices down
d) Tobacco usage went up in Europe and data shows a marked increase in death rates due to lung cancer and emphysema.

What was the major difference between a slave and an indentured servant?
a) An indentured servant voluntarily entered bondage or servitude
b) A slave was from Africa and an indentured servant was always from Europe
c) Slaves were treated worse
d) Indentured servants were treated worse

What was the major effect of Bacon’s Rebellion?
a) (Free) indentured servants gained the land they wanted.
b) Indentured servitude ended in the American colonies
c) Plantation owners turned to a more reliable, established form of labor; slavery
d) Plantation owners felt the indentured servants had outlived their usefulness as a form of inexpensive labor

The Atlantic System….
a) Centered around Brazil and the West Indies with sugar composing the major crop
b) Centered around Brazil and the English Colonies with tobacco composing the major crop.
c) Centered around Africa, the trade routes varied between the West Indies, New England, and England but always included Africa
d) Centered around the exchange of goods and resources between the Americas and Europe

Triangular Trade…..
a) Centered around Brazil and the West Indies with sugar composing the major crop
b) Centered around Brazil and the English Colonies with tobacco composing the major crop.
c) Centered around Africa, the trade routes varied between the West Indies, New England, and England but always included Africa
d) Centered around the exchange of goods and resources between the Americas and Europe

What was the effect of the Stono Rebellion?
a) Increased rights for Black Americans
b) Decreased rights for Black Americans
c) Plantation owners in the deep south feared slave uprisings; therefore, provided more humane treatment to the slave
d) Plantation owners in the deep south feared slave uprisings; therefore, became more abusive in their treatment of slaves

Southern society was…
a) Largely agrarian based and identified with the English aristocracy more than colonists in the north
b) Largely trade based and identified with the English aristocracy more than colonists in the north
c) Based upon Puritanical religious values, identifying with English poor.
d) Based upon Puritanical religious values, with a largely trade and subsistence farming based economy.

New England society was….
a) Largely agrarian based and identified with the English aristocracy more than colonists in the north
b) Largely trade based and identified with the English aristocracy more than colonists in the north
c) Based upon Puritanical religious values, identifying with English poor.
d) Based upon Puritanical religious values, with a largely trade and subsistence farming based economy.

What led to the Halfway Covenant?
a) Declining religious values of new immigrants
b) Overall decrease in the size of congregations
c) Fewer conversions to Christianity
d) All answers are correct

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