Colonization Of Georgia Question Preview (ID: 43397)

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naval officer, not very successful, little political experience
a) Henry Ellis
b) James Wright
c) John Reynolds

experience slave trader, hated Georgia's weather, experience with Indians
a) James Wright
b) Henry Ellis
c) John Reynolds

Served as an interpreter for Oglethorpe and the Native Americans
a) Mary Musgrove
b) Tomochichi
c) King George II
d) James Oglethorpe

The colonists who gradually became dissatisfied with life in Georgia and with some of the Trustees’ rules
a) Salzburgers
b) Malcontents
c) Jews
d) Highland Scots

Group of settlers opposed by some trustees, but welcome by Oglethorpe, who brought a much needed doctor to the colony
a) Salzburgers
b) Malcontent
c) Highland Scots
d) Jews

Person who granted the charter to the trustees and for who the colony is named
a) James Oglethorpe
b) King George II
c) Tomochichi
d) Mary Musgrove

Settlers who established the town of Ebenezer and New Ebenezer and were opponents of
a) Salzburgers
b) Jews
c) Malcontents
d) Highland Scots

A Yamacraw chief who welcomed the colonist and became a lifelong friend of Oglethorpe
a) Toonahawi
b) Robert Castell
c) Red Bull
d) Tomochichi

The group of men who worked together to establish the colony
a) James Oglethorpe
b) colonist
c) trustees
d) worthy poor

The group of settlers recruited by Oglethorpe who settled the town of Darien
a) Highland Scots
b) Jew
c) Malcontents
d) Salzburgers

Widely recognized as the man responsible for the establishment of the Georgia colony
a) James Oglethorpe
b) Tomochichi
c) Robert Castell
d) King William

One of the groups that Oglethorpe and trustees hoped to settle in the new colony
a) Jew
b) Malcontents
c) debtors
d) wealthy

wanted Georgia to grow, good leader, served nearly 16 yrs
a) James Wright
b) John Reynolds
c) Henry Ellis

1st Royal governor 1754-1757
a) James Wright
b) John Reynolds
c) Henry Ellis

2nd Royal Governor 1757-1760
a) John Reynolds
b) James Wright
c) Henry Ellis

3rd Royal Governor 1760-1776
a) Henry Ellis
b) John Reynolds
c) James Wright

One of the reasons given for the colonization of Georgia was to serve as a buffer colony. This meant that Georgia was
a) a colony for the settlement by the poor
b) an outpost for pirates attacking Spanish galleons
c) a military protective zone between English and Spanish settlements
d) an agricultural station experimenting with new strains of cotton plant.

Which term BEST describes the kind of people Oglethorpe and his associates wanted to bring to Georgia?
a) former convicts
b) deeply religious
c) well educated
d) worthy poor

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