Land Bridge, Exploration, Columbian Exchange Question Preview (ID: 43382)

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Who influenced the Columbian Exchange and what is it?
a) trading between Asia and Europe
b) trading of people
c) trading of common goods that one sees all the time just to trade
d) Christopher Columbus influenced the Columbian Exchange with the Trading between the New and the Old Worlds.

Christopher Columbus was the first European to Discover America?
a) true
b) false

How did the Columbian Exchange/European Exporation impact the World?
a) allowed Foreign people to make new friends
b) European Exploration opened up trade to the whole world instead of eastern hemispheres sticking with eastern hemisphere and w
c) gave Europeans many sicknesses
d) showed native americans how to hunt

Columbian Exchange is still used today because?
a) Countries still trade goods and foods with other countries
b) we are finding new things to trade
c) slavery is still happening in every single country
d) Columbus is still exploring the world

European Exploration had all these effects on Native Americans Except?
a) disease
b) War between other native american tribers
c) slavery
d) horses for easier work, hunting and traveling

What is another name for Age of Exploration?
a) Age of Discovery
b) Age of Explorers
c) age of Navigation
d) Age of New Mapping

Why was ship life so rough?
a) swimming and B.O.
b) to much time with one person and dirty water
c) lack of food and privacy
d) holes in the ship and sunburns

When explorers started settling the New World was one of the main goals?
a) Spread the Christian faith
b) become friends with Native Americans
c) buy gold
d) do nothing

Why did Native Americans migrate (move to) North and South America?
a) Spanish forced them off of their land
b) followed big game
c) horses
d) They wanted to be with family

All of the following are cause of exploration Except?
a) gold
b) silver
c) spices
d) bronze

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