Core Concept 2 Question Preview (ID: 43370)

Test #2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What causes the seasons?
a) Eath moving closer to or further away from the sun as it makes it's yearly journey
b) Changes in the intensity of the sun's energy output
c) Earth's tilt causing different amounts of light to fall on certain areas at different times
d) Changes in the core temperature of the Earth

Time in the region surrounding the Prime Meridian is sometimes called...
a) Prime Time
b) Landon Mean Time
c) Global Standard Time
d) Universal Time (UT)

when it is daytime in New York City,
a) it is daytime in the western hemispere
b) it is nighttime on the apposite side of Earth
c) it is daytime across the United States
d) it is nighttime in the southern hemisphere.

Weathering and erosion impact human settlement patterns because as these processes break down land forms and rocks into smaller pieces, they also Contribute to...
a) dividing the continent into watersheds.
b) generating volcanoes
c) creating beaches along the coastlines
d) providing soil for agriculture

If it is noon in New York, which is Eastern Standard Time, what time is it in Denver, which is Mountain Standard Time?
a) 2 PM
b) 11 AM
c) 10 AM
d) 9 AM

What causes earthquakes?
a) Plates slide against one another, often at faults.
b) Pressure builds up in the molten rock beneath Earth's crust and causes it to shake.
c) Continental plates pull apart from each other, causing the crust to collapse.
d) Continental plates press together and suddenly push up the crust.

Day and night are caused by...
a) the rotation of Earth on it's axis.
b) the revolution of Earth around the sun.
c) the orbit of the Moon around Earth.
d) the distance from Earth to the sun.

One of many ways that the process of depositions contributes to changing the Earth's surface includes...
a) braking down large land forms such as a plateau.
b) fracturing rocks when water freezes.
c) building up a mountain range.
d) creating beaches along the coastline.

The hottest interior part of Earth is it's......
a) core
b) mantle
c) crust
d) atmosphere

What causes volcanoes to erupt?
a) the movement of continental plates creates pressure that pushes magma to Earth's surface.
b) Continental plates rub against each other and cause vibrations in Earth's core.
c) Moving continental plates push against each other and raise up Earth's crust.
d) Pressure builds up at seams in Earth's crust, causing it to shake and release magma.

The Earth's inner _______________ made of solid metal.
a) core
b) mantle
c) crust
d) atmosphere

Earth travels around the Sun along an oval-shaped path called an ___________.
a) circle
b) orbit
c) rotation
d) revolution

Earth's crust has seams, known as ___________, that are often the site of earthquakes.
a) orbit
b) crust
c) cracks
d) faults

The __________ is solid, but it's temperature makes it fluid, or able to flow.
a) core
b) crust
c) mantle
d) land form

The __________ is a period during which days are longest in one hemisphere and shortest in the otherl
a) equinox
b) solstice
c) orbit
d) faults

During an ______________ days and nights are nearly equal in length.
a) season
b) orbit
c) solstice
d) equinox

Earth rotates along it's __________, an imaginary line drain through the North and South poles.
a) orbit
b) axis
c) equator
d) prime meridian

The process of ___________________ breaks rocks down into much smaller pieces.
a) weathering
b) erosion
c) orbit
d) rotation

The world is divided into many areas that share the same time, known as ____________ _____________.
a) universal time
b) Central time
c) time zones
d) equinox

The continents ans the ocean floor are both part of the _________ of Earth.
a) core
b) crust
c) mantle
d) atmosphere

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