Unit 3 Arab Empire Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 43364)

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The ________________________ is the ruler of an Arabic tribe, chosen from one of the leading families by a council of elders.
a) Sheikh
b) Hijrah
c) Bedouin
d) Caliph

__________________________________ is a nomadic Arab who lives in the Arabian, Syrian, or North African deserts.
a) Sheikh
b) Hijrah
c) Bedouin
d) Caliph

_____________________________________means to struggle in the way of God.
a) Hijrah
b) Muezzin
c) Jihad
d) Minaret

The crier who calls the Muslim faithful to prayer from the minaret of a mosque is a ____________________________________.
a) Hijrah
b) Muezzin
c) Jihad
d) Minaret

_______________________________________is the the holy scriptures of the religion of Islam.
a) Allah
b) Shari'ah
c) Hadith
d) Quran

A person who believes in Islam is a ______________________________.
a) Muslim
b) Sheikh
c) Vizier
d) Caliphate

______________________________ is a gift of money or property paid at the time of marriage, either by the bride's parents to her husband or, in Islamic societies, by a husband to his wife.
a) Bazaar
b) Dowry
c) Caliphate
d) Hajj

The journey of Muhammad and his followers to Madinah in 622, which became year 1 of the official calendar of Islam is the ________________________________.
a) Hajj
b) Jihad
c) Hijrah
d) Sunni

_________________________________ are geometric patterns repeated over and over to completely cover a surface with decoration.
a) Arabesques
b) Sultans
c) Bazaars
d) Dowry

The office or dominion of a caliph is a ___________________________________.
a) caliphate
b) astrolabe
c) vizier
d) shar'iah

_____________________________ is a pilgrimage to Makkah, one of the requirements of the Five Pillars of Islam.
a) Hajj
b) Hijrah
c) Allah
d) Caliph

_______________________________ is a a high government official in ancient Egypt or in Muslim countries.
a) Caliph
b) Sultan
c) Vizier
d) Sheikh

_______________________________ is holder of power; the military and political head of state under the Seljuk Turks and the Ottomans.
a) Caliph
b) Sultan
c) Vizier
d) Sheikh

_______________________________ is successor to Muhammad as political and religious leader of the Muslims.
a) Caliph
b) Sultan
c) Vizier
d) Sheikh

____________________________________ are acts of worship every Muslim must perform; these include belief, prayer, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage.
a) Five Pillars of Islam
b) Bedouin
c) Sunni
d) Dowry

A law code drawn up by Muslim scholars after Muhammad's death; it provided believers with a set of practical laws to regulate their daily lives is the __________________________________.
a) Five Pillars of Islam
b) Sunni
c) Shia
d) Shar'iah

_________________________ is Arabic for God; the supreme god of Islam.
a) Muslim
b) Allah
c) Muezzin
d) Minaret

_____________________________ are a Muslim group that accepts only the descendants of Muhammed's son-in-law Ali as the true rulers of Islam.
a) Sunni
b) Shia
c) Sultan
d) Arabesques

_____________________________ are a Muslim group that accepts only the descendants of the Umayyads as the true rulers of Islam
a) Sunni
b) Shia
c) Sultan
d) Arabesques

________________________________ is an instrument used by sailors to determine their location by observing the position of the stars and planets.
a) Minaret
b) Caliph
c) Astrolabe
d) Bedouin

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