Mesopotamia Test 2 Question Preview (ID: 43357)

Test 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In the Epic of Gilgamesh...
a) Enkidu and Gilgamesh brought trees back to their city
b) Enkidu was killed by Humbaba
c) Gilgamesh became an immoral god
d) Enkidu and Gilgamesh fought over the jewels

In the Sumerian creation story why did the gods create man?
a) to build temples
b) to provide them with food
c) to create writing
d) to build civilizations

Sumerians exported what resource?
a) Trees
b) Metal
c) Gold
d) Grain

Where in the world were the first civilizations?
a) In South Africa
b) Italy
c) Fertile Crescent
d) Crete

What is Hammurabi most famous for?
a) His Law Code
b) Inventing Writing
c) Hanging Gardens of Babylon
d) Creating a Ziggurat

In which modern region is Mesopotamia located?
a) Middle East
b) North America
c) Europe
d) South Africa

Who worked in the ziggurats?
a) Military
b) Priests
c) Kings
d) Merchants

What was the main reason for writing development?
a) write history
b) create laws
c) keep track of trade
d) keep track of farming techniques

What is needed in order for people to have specialized jobs?
a) extra food
b) writing
c) priests
d) irrigation system

The average middle class person in Sumer was a
a) government leader
b) priest
c) slave
d) farmer

Sumerians worshipped over 3000 gods making them
a) monotheistic
b) polytheistic
c) Christians
d) Egyptian

Who was in charge of the irrigation of water in Sumer?
a) farmers
b) government
c) slaves
d) warriors

Which invention was a Sumerian invention
a) stone tools
b) the wheel
c) fire
d) roman numerals

Skilled workers who made things out of metal, cloth or pottery
a) artisans
b) slaves
c) merchants
d) nomads

Who guarded the tablets of destiny in the myth?
a) Lamassu
b) Enkidu
c) Enlil
d) Gilgamesh

In the Babylonian creation myth where did the Tigris and Euphrates river come from?
a) Gilgamesh
b) Enkidu
c) Tiamat
d) Lamassu

Babylonian ruler that was a great law maker.
a) Hammurabi
b) Enkidu
c) Enlil
d) Gilgamesh

What city was the wealthiest and most popular city state in Mesopotamia?
a) Babylon
b) Uruk
c) Ur
d) Nippur

Where is the Fertile Crescent located?
a) Between the Red Sea and Indian Ocean
b) Along the Nile River
c) Between the Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Gulf
d) In the North of Africa

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