Find The Meaning Based On The SAID Strategy Question Preview (ID: 43353)

Crack The Code Using Context Clues Such As Synonyms, Antonyms, Information In The Text And The Definition Sometimes Hidden After A Comma. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The student was disinclined to do the The student was disinclined to do what it took to be successful in math. In other words, he was unwilling to do the work. What does disinclined mean?
a) Unable to answer the question
b) Confused
c) Unwilling to do the work
d) Tired

The teacher got frustrated with her students’ unruly behavior, especially when they were rowdy in class. What does unruly mean?
a) Rowdy or out of control
b) Angry
c) Frustrated
d) Eager to please

The lion fish is an invasive species, much like the iguanas that have taken over Cape Coral. What does invasive mean?
a) A popular pet
b) A tasty meal
c) Not native to the area
d) Similar

Lisette was anxious about the big test, but her twin sister was not worried about it at all. What does anxious mean?
a) Confident
b) Prepared
c) Not bothered by it
d) Worried

Although Jose was loquacious at home, he was extremely quiet at school. What does loquacious mean?
a) Quiet
b) Shy
c) Talkative
d) Sleepy

The new teacher was very demanding and rigid, not flexible like our former teacher. What does rigid mean?
a) Mean
b) Not flexible
c) Friendly
d) Prepared

The girl was so fatigued from her soccer tournament that she could hardly eat dinner. She had to drag herself to the table and force herself to stay awake.
a) Tired
b) Energized
c) Angry
d) Proud

Gina had to keep her gregarious personality in check when she went to school. Her teacher had very strict rules about too much conversation in the classroom. What does gregarious mean?
a) Shy
b) Angry
c) Outgoing
d) Misbehaving

Entomology, or the study of insects, doesn’t appeal to everyone. What is Entomology?
a) A bizarre meal
b) The study of insects
c) A television show
d) Something appealing

Politicians often hire special companies to poll—interview people—about the key issues that affect them. What does poll mean?
a) Interview
b) A place where people vote
c) Something illegal
d) Annoy

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