Conflicts Question Preview (ID: 43352)

Identify The Type Of Conflict. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Abraham is walking home and it begins raining. He isn't worried but then thunder starts booming all around him and lightning bolts are hitting the ground all around him. What type of conflict is Abraham facing?
a) Character versus nature
b) Character versus self
c) Character versus character
d) Character versus society

It is 1872 and women have few rights, including the right to vote. Susan B. Anthony doesn't think that's fair. Knowing she will be arrested for breaking the law, she decides to cast her vote in the presidential election. What type of conflict is this
a) Character versus nature
b) Character versus self
c) Character versus society
d) Character versus character

Cecilia is trying to lose weight and has been doing very well with eating right. She really is craving chocolate today, though, and is trying to decide whether she should buy a Twix . What type of conflict is she facing?
a) Character versus nature
b) Character versus self
c) Character versus society
d) Character versus character

Amy has a crush on Bobby. Jessica knows Amy likes Bobby and still she flirts with him. Amy is so angry with Jessica that she is ready to end their friendship. What type of conflict is this?
a) Character versus nature
b) Character versus self
c) Character versus society
d) Character versus character

Yesenia is hiking in the woods and twists her ankle. She cannot walk on it and her cell phone isn't working. Night is falling fast and wolves are howling nearby. What type of conflict is this?
a) Character versus nature
b) Character versus self
c) Character versus society
d) Character versus character

Matthew sits down to eat lunch, but Jeremiah walks by and slaps him on the back of the head. Jeremiah is always bullying Matthew like this and Matthew doesn't want to come to school now. What type of conflict is this?
a) Character versus nature
b) Character versus self
c) Character versus society
d) Character versus character

It is 1963 and Charlie, an African American college student, has decided to sit at the lunch counter which says Whites only. He is beaten by a mob for his actions. What type of conflict is this?
a) Character versus nature
b) Character versus self
c) Character versus society
d) Character versus character

Tristen has a basketball game tonight and so he doesn't have a lot of time to complete the essay that is due for English tomorrow. His friends are going to Pizza Hut and he wants to go, but what about his essay? What type of conflict is this?
a) Character versus nature
b) Character versus self
c) Character versus society
d) Character versus character

Ismael misses Puerto Rico where he grew up, but Hurricane Maria destroyed the island. Many places still do not have electricity and many homes are still in ruins. What kind of conflict is this?
a) Character versus nature
b) Character versus self
c) Character versus society
d) Character versus character

Mollie is grounded but she thinks the reason for it is stupid. Her mother is so unfair. She doesn't remember what it was like to be a kid. What kind of conflict is Mollie facing?
a) Character versus nature
b) Character versus self
c) Character versus society
d) Character versus character

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