Unit 2 Byzantine Empire Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 43351)

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How were Christians treated in the Roman Empire during the reign of the Emperor Nero?
a) They were celebrated as holy leaders
b) They were mostly ignored
c) They were persecuted and executed
d) They were given leadership positions in the government

Which of the following factors did NOT help promote the spread of Christianity throughout the Roman Empire?
a) Emperor Diocletian converted to Christianity
b) Paul sent letters to Jesus' followers and founded Christian communities
c) The common language of Latin allowed its easy spread throughout the large Empire
d) People liked the sense of community and idea of eternal life

What emperor divided Rome into parts?
a) Constantine
b) Nero
c) Diocletian
d) Justinian

Why was Rome divided into parts?
a) Different tribes were at war with one another
b) The empire became too large to rule under a single leader
c) Differences in language and religion became too difficult to manage
d) To avoid the spread of the plague

What was the name of the new capital created by Emperor Constantine in the Eastern part of the Roman Empire (what would become the Byzantine Empire)?
a) Istanbul
b) Hagia Sophia
c) Constantinople
d) Byzantium

Which of the following was NOT a cause for the fall of the Western Roman Empire?
a) The plague killed many people causing a decrease in laborers in soldiers
b) Rome was invaded by a number of Germanic tribes
c) The death of Marcus Aurelius brought on a time period of civil wars and conflicts over power
d) They were conquered by the Byzantine Empire

Which of the following is NOT true about the Germanic tribes that took over the former Roman Empire?
a) They were united under one ruler for hundreds of years
b) There were many small kingdoms and they were often at war with one another
c) They adopted many Roman traditions of religion and government
d) There was not a great deal of learning and trade during this time

What language was spoken in the Byzantine Empire?
a) Latin
b) Greek
c) Arabic
d) German

What was the primary religion in the Byzantine Empire?
a) Roman Catholic Christianity
b) Islam
c) Eastern Orthodox Christianity
d) Judaism

What was the divide between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox church called?
a) The Great Divide
b) The Great Schism
c) The Great Depression
d) Fall of the Roman Empire

Which of the following is NOT an accomplishment of the Emperor Justinian?
a) Built the Hagia Sophia
b) Codified Roman laws
c) Made Christianity the official religion of Rome
d) Rebuilt the capital of Constantinople

Which of the following was NOT a cause for the fall of the Byzantine Empire almost 1000 years after the fall of the Western Roman Empire?
a) Incompetent rulers following the Macedonian emperors
b) The schism between Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox
c) Attacks from the Seljuk Turks
d) Lack of trade

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