Native American Cultural Regions Question Preview (ID: 43337)

Native American Cultural Regions - Pacific Northwest, California Intermountain, Southwest, Great Plains, And Eastern Woodlands. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Traveled by foot, or by horseback with sleds (travois) to carry materials
a) Eastern Woodlands
b) Southwest
c) Pacific Northwest
d) Great Plains

Made dugout canoes from cedar trees for transportation
a) California Intermountain
b) Eastern Woodlands
c) Pacific Northwest
d) Great Plains

Hot and dry climate with desert land and canyons
a) California Intermountain
b) Great Plains
c) Southwest
d) Eastern Woodlands

Made baskets decorated with feathers and shell beads
a) Pacific Northwest
b) California Intermountain
c) Great Plains
d) Eastern Woodlands

Rocky beaches and a rainy climate
a) Pacific Northwest
b) Southwest
c) Great Plains
d) Eastern Woodlands

Flat, grassy land with rivers and a mild climate
a) Pacific Northwest
b) Southwest
c) Great Plains
d) Eastern Woodlands

Made tepees from the hide of buffalos
a) Pacific Northwest
b) Southwest
c) Great Plains
d) Eastern Woodlands

Irrigated their crops
a) Pacific Northwest
b) Southwest
c) Great Plains
d) Eastern Woodlands

Region with the most abundant resources
a) Pacific Northwest
b) Southwest
c) Great Plains
d) Eastern Woodlands

Made plank houses from cedar wood
a) Pacific Northwest
b) Southwest
c) Great Plains
d) Eastern Woodlands

Used trees to build longhouses and wigwams
a) Pacific Northwest
b) Eastern Woodlands
c) Great Plains
d) California Intermountain

Built multi-level homes of adobe brick with laders to climb up and down
a) Pacific Northwest
b) Southwest
c) California Intermountain
d) Great Plains

Made colorful clothing and art using plant dyes
a) Southwest
b) Eastern Woodlands
c) Great Plains
d) Pacific Northwest

Used dreamcatchers and masks to ward off evil spirits
a) Pacific Northwest
b) Eastern Woodlands
c) Great Plains
d) Southwest

Relied mainly on sealife as a food source because they lived along the beaches - whales, seals, clams, etc. were used as food
a) Pacific Northwest
b) Eastern Woodlands
c) Great Plains
d) Southwest

Made turquois jewelry
a) Eastern Woodlands
b) California Intermountain
c) Pacific Northwest
d) Southwest

Hunted, farmed, fished, and gathered nuts and berries for food
a) Pacific Northwest
b) Eastern Woodlands
c) Southwest
d) Great Plains

Totem poles made of cedar trees to celebrate heritage and traditions
a) California Intermountain
b) Pacific Northwest
c) Great Plains
d) Eastern Woodlands

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