Eastern Woodlands Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 43336)

Vocabulary Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

An American Indian dwelling commonly having an arched or conical framework overlaid with bark, hides, or mats
a) wier
b) wampum
c) wigwam
d) confederacy

A fence or trap placed in a stream to catch or retain fish
a) weir
b) longhouse
c) season
d) confederacy

Small cylindrical beads made from polished shells and fashioned into strings or belts, formerly used by certain American Indians as money or jewelry
a) shaman
b) wampum
c) wigwam
d) season

A person who practices magic for purposes of healing, communicating with the spirit world, and controlling natural events
a) wigwam
b) palisade
c) shaman
d) longhouse

One of the four natural divisions of the year -- spring, summer, fall and winter
a) barter
b) fertile
c) scarce
d) season

Difficult to find, absent or rare
a) scarce
b) weir
c) wigwam
d) shaman

A fence or wall of stakes forming a defense barrier or fortification
a) shaman
b) clan
c) palisade
d) scarce

A long communal dwelling used by certain American Indians
a) season
b) confederacy
c) Division of Labor
d) longhouse

A traditional story, often with heroes or supernatural beings, explaining the natural world or the beliefs of a people.
a) myth
b) clan
c) flint
d) barter

Rich in materials needed to support plant growth
a) fertile
b) wigwam
c) season
d) longhouse

A very hard, fine-grained mineral that sparks when struck with steel.
a) shaman
b) flint
c) weir
d) palisade

The assignment of different jobs to different people to get things done more quickly
a) clan
b) wigwam
c) Division of Labor
d) season

A division of tribe tracing descent from a common ancestor
a) flint
b) clan
c) longhouse
d) confederacy

A union of people, parties, or states; a league
a) barter
b) myth
c) longhouse
d) confederacy

To trade goods or service without the exchange of money.
a) barter
b) fertile
c) myth
d) Division of Labor

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