List 1. Question Preview (ID: 43317)

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Our plane ____ at 7:30 in the morning.
a) wriggles
b) departs
c) strand
d) admires

The elephant was _____ from the animals in the zoo, it was sick!
a) sapphire
b) suspicious
c) labor
d) isolated

You have an ____ taste, that necklace is beautiful!
a) exquisite
b) sapphire
c) hazardous
d) discouraged

The ____ scorpion was walking on my bed!
a) hazardous
b) skeptical
c) discouraged
d) strand

He looks very ____, look at his face.
a) exquisite
b) depart
c) suspicious
d) admire

That precious ____ shines on the ring.
a) sapphire
b) wriggle
c) insist
d) labor

The worm _____ back to the hole.
a) wriggled
b) isolated
c) strand
d) sapphire

I got a 10 on the exam, I was very _____.
a) sapphire
b) herds
c) fade
d) skeptical

Several ____ of cows were munching grass.
a) unseen
b) herds
c) wriggle
d) triplets

She ____ spoke to us in church.
a) bicycle
b) shone
c) gratefully
d) depart

He ____ that we should eat ceviche.
a) tricolor
b) hazardous
c) bilingual
d) insists

We were _____ because we didnĀ“t win the contest.
a) unseen
b) discouraged
c) fade
d) labor

I need a _____ of whool to knit my sweater.
a) strand
b) bicep
c) base
d) tricolor

My shirt color will _____ with the sun.
a) fade
b) shone
c) wriggle
d) labor

The Mexican pyramids are _____.
a) triangular
b) fade
c) binoculars
d) unseen

The _____ of the chair is circular.
a) bilingual
b) tricyle
c) base
d) herd

The diamond _____ with the light.
a) fade
b) unseen
c) gratefully
d) shone

I need to work my ______, I will go to the gym.
a) triangular
b) base
c) unseen
d) biceps

My baby brothers are _____.
a) bicycle
b) triplets
c) tricyle
d) binoculars

We went on an expedition, and we used_____ for bird sighting.
a) tricyle
b) binoculars
c) strand
d) sapphire

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