MS 101 - Agenda And Cornell Organizational Methods Question Preview (ID: 43315)

Quiz Over The Basics Of The Cornell Note Taking System And Use Of An Agenda For Organization. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What goes on the left hand side of Cornell Notes?
a) Questions
b) Topics
c) Essential Question
d) Notes

What should always be included in the header?
a) Notes and Questions
b) Name, Date, Topic
c) Summary
d) Vocabulary

What is the bottom section of Cornell paper used for?
a) Subtopics
b) Extra Notes
c) Summary
d) Questions

How do we create a perfect Cornell summary?
a) Make sure it has lots of information
b) Make sure there is one sentence to answer each question in your notes
c) Make sure to include every little detail/fact
d) Make sure that you have at least a paragraph

What does it mean to revise our notes?
a) Add new information we missed
b) Rewrite them
c) Change around the format
d) Complete the summary and questions

After marking the text, what information should we add to our notes?
a) The entire article of facts
b) The things we wrote
c) The things we don't understand
d) The things we highlighted and unerlined

What should we write in our agenda each day?
a) Only homework
b) Only tests
c) Classwork and homework with a check box
d) The topic we studied

How do I know what has been turned in from my agenda?
a) It is checked off
b) It is highlighted or crossed off
c) It is scribbled out
d) It is erased

How do I know what work is finished?
a) It is scribbled out
b) It is erased
c) It is crossed off or highlighted
d) It is checked off in the check box

What classes should I use my agenda for?
a) Related Arts only
b) Math and ELA
c) All classes
d) Content classes only

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