Islam - Chapter 7 Review Guide Questions Question Preview (ID: 43287)

Chapter 7 Multiple Choice Review Questions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the name of the cube like structure that Abraham built?
a) Ka'bah
b) Mecca
c) Medina
d) Jerusalem

Muhammad and his followers, overall, treated Christians and Jews very well. Why did they do this?
a) Christians and Jews were still people of the book, and still believed in monotheism.
b) Christians and Jews believed in polytheism.
c) Christians and Jews practiced Islamic rituals.
d) False. Christians and Jews were discriminated against in Islamic lands.

The Muslim group known as the Sunnis believe that the only true ruler of Islam is
a) related directly to Muhammad.
b) any person who is qualified to run the religion.

The Muslim group known as the Shi'ah believe that the only true ruler of Islam is
a) related directly to Muhammad.
b) any person who is qualified to run the religion.

Define the word caliph.
a) Christian Ruler
b) Muslim Ruler
c) Family member of Muhammad
d) Enemy of Muhammad

Why is the city of Jerusalem an important city for Muslims?
a) It is the place of Muhammad's birth.
b) It is where Muhammad met his wife.
c) It is where Muhammad went during the Night Journey.
d) It is where Islam was born.

Why did the people of Mecca not want to believe in Muhammad's message?
a) They didn't agree with the one God theory.
b) They didn't want to share their wealth with others.
c) They didn't want to be conquered
d) They didn't want to move to the Sahara Desert

What is the name of the city of Muhammad's birth?
a) Medina
b) Jerusalem
c) Constantinople
d) Mecca

What is the name of the Islamic holy book?
a) Torah
b) Qur'an
c) Bible
d) Encyclopedia

Define polytheism.
a) Belief in multiple Gods
b) Belief in a single God
c) Belief in no God
d) Belief in a set of ideas, rather than a God

How did the people of Mecca try and stop Muhammad from spreading his message?
a) Asking him to politely stop spreading monotheism.
b) Conducting a boycott.
c) The people of Mecca accepted Muhammad immediately.
d) Muhammad's uncle tried to stop him.

According to Islamic teachings, what did the angel Gabriel tell Muhammad to do?
a) teach monotheism
b) defeat the Syrian rulers
c) write down the most important laws
d) flee to the deserts of North Africa

What occurred in Muhammad's life around the age of 6?
a) Muhammad became a merchant.
b) Muhammad got married.
c) Muhammad was orphaned.
d) Islam was born.

Why is the city of Makkah important in Muslim tradition?
a) Most Muslims today live there.
b) It was the birthplace of Muhammad.
c) It was the capital of the Umayyad empire.
d) Muhammad moved there with his followers.

Which cultural common trait did most people on the Arabian Peninsula before Muhammad?
a) Hairstyle
b) Government
c) Religion
d) Language

Muhammad's nickname of al-amin. What is the translation of this?
a) Godly one
b) Trusted one
c) Holy one
d) Educated one

What did the angel Gabriel tell Muhammad in the cave?
a) You are the teacher of God.
b) You are the messenger of God.
c) You are the bringer of truth.
d) You are the hand of God.

a) The name of Madinah before Muhammad visited.
b) The city where Muhammad went during the Night Journey.
c) It is where Muhammad died.
d) The place where Muhammad was born.

a) The name of the people who follow the religion
b) The name of the religion that Muhammad founded
c) The name of the city Muhammad was born.
d) The name of the first mosque.

Who are the People of the Book?
a) Christians, Jews, and Muslims
b) Jews and Christians only
c) Christians and Buddhists

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