Unit 1 And 2 North America Review Question Preview (ID: 43274)

Unit 1 And 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why hasn't Mexico's economy grown as quickly as that of the United States?
a) they have more politicians
b) they have more physical barriers
c) they have less entrepreneurs
d) they have more natural disasters

Because we have a history of colonization, what languages are spoken in North America?
a) Portuguese, Spanish, and French
b) Russian, English, and Spanish
c) English, French, and Spanish
d) Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian

Where is it difficult to transport goods in the United States?
a) Rocky Mountains
b) Great Plains
c) Rio Grande
d) None

What part of America has good access to water and fertile soil, allowing farming to be one of its biggest industries (jobs)?
a) Rocky Mountains
b) East Coast
c) Rio Grande
d) Great Plains

The US has this type of economy, because we are free to make our own business decisions.
a) Command
b) Market(Free Enterprise)
c) Mixed
d) None

This industry produces TANGIBLE (touchable) goods.
a) Service
b) Agricultural
c) Manufacturing
d) None

Examples of this industry include: waitress, teacher, doctor, and soldier.
a) Manufacturing
b) Service
c) Agricultural
d) None

In this type of government, the PEOPLE have rights.
a) Unlimited
b) Absolute Monarchy
c) Limited
d) Dictatorship

In this type of government, leaders have ALL the power.
a) Unlimited
b) Limited
c) Representative Democracy
d) Constitutional Monarchy

Where did democracy begin?
a) Greece
b) England
c) France
d) China

Which group of people created a culture region in Quebec, Canada?
a) French
b) Chinese
c) Italians
d) Germans

Where are most Canadian cities located?
a) near the US border
b) near Mexico
c) near Alaska
d) in the middle of Canada

Diego Rivera's paintings often showed his concern for -
a) workers
b) women's rights
c) children
d) politics

Which type of GOVERNMENT do the United States, Canada, and Mexico have?
a) Limited
b) Command
c) Unlimited
d) Free Enterprise

What are the 5 themes of culture?
a) Language, Religion, Government, Economy, Customs
b) Limited, Unlimited, Mixed, Command, and Free Enterprise
c) Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness
d) Painting, Music, Art, Language, and Money

Why is the US multicultural?
a) we have limited immigration
b) we are segregated
c) we have a history of colonization and immigration
d) we are not actually multicultural

The Rio Grande can be described as a...
a) boundary
b) lake
c) barrier
d) sea

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