Engineering Question Preview (ID: 43264)

Engineering Design Process. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the first step in the engineering design process?
a) Ask questions and define the problem.
b) Research the problem and imagine ways to solve it.
c) Plan out your solution.
d) Create a prototype based on your plan that solves the problem.

What is the last step in the engineering design process?
a) Improve your prototype based on the failure points in your testing.
b) Create, test, and evaluate your prototype
c) Ask questions and define the problem.
d) Plan out the steps you will take to build your prototype.

How do engineers use failure points?
a) to improve their designs.
b) to do experiments.
c) to define the problem .
d) to give up on their designs.

Why is it important to control the variables when testing your prototype?
a) So that it is easier to tell why the prototype failed or succeeded.
b) So that everything will be changed in your testing.
c) So that you can give up on the design.
d) So that you have changed at least 5 things.

What do engineers do?
a) Research, test, re-test, and communicate a design to solve a problem.
b) Plan, Fail, and give up on designs.
c) Do experiments.
d) Operate on people.

Failure provides valuable information toward finding a solution.
a) True
b) False

Analyzing failure points helps engineers figure out which elements of their design need to be changed.
a) True
b) False

Engineers apply the results of their tests to redesign their prototypes.
a) true
b) false

How many elements of your design should you change at a time when you are testing and improving it.
a) one
b) two
c) three
d) four

Why is technology often invented?
a) to solve a problem or meet a need
b) for fun
c) to fail
d) to gain super powers

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