Grammar1 Question Preview (ID: 43258)

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Our society is compassionate and caring. In the future, the government will join with volunteers and work ___ to reduce the gap between city and country and between north and south.
a) (A) hard
b) (B) more hardly
c) (C) much harder
d) (D) more harder

____ fast you run, you cannot catch up with the high speed rail.
a) (A) Whatever
b) (B) However
c) (C) Wherever
d) (D) Whenever

I dared not tell Tom’s wife the bad news ____ she might faint.
a) (A) for fear
b) (B) lest
c) (C) so that
d) (D) as though

You can realize your dreams ____ you are willing to do your best and persevere.
a) (A) as far as
b) (B) as long as
c) (C) as well as
d) (D) as soon as

____ plants need water and sunshine, ____ children need care and love from parents.
a) (A) As; if
b) (B) As; as
c) (C) As; so
d) (D) So; as

Over the past few years the south part of the country has grown richer, ____ the north part has grown poorer.
a) (A) while
b) (B) unless
c) (C) supposing
d) (D) since

Which of the following sentences is correct?
a) (A) The game has no sooner ended than it started to rain.
b) (B) The moment the game had ended, it started to rain.
c) (C) The game had hardly ended than it started to rain.
d) (D) As soon as the game ended, it started to rain.

The single father busy making a living still manages to spend ___ keeping his children company.
a) (A) sometimes
b) (B) sometime
c) (C) some times
d) (D) some time

On the corner of the street _______ a beggar.
a) (A) lie
b) (B) lay
c) (C) laid
d) (D) is laid

I have never heard Wesley ______ Bulgarian in front of others.
a) (A) talking
b) (B) saying
c) (C) telling
d) (D) speak

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