Solar System Review Pt.1 Question Preview (ID: 43255)

Part 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of these is a challenge NASA must overcome in order to plan a long trip to Mars
a) Storing large amounts of fuel for long periods of time
b) Building Rockets to escape earths gravity
c) Building Spacesuits that work in space
d) Training good astronauts

If an astronaut were to travel to Mars and spends 2 years in space, which pieces of equipment would be the MOST important for their survival during the trip?
a) A heat shield to re-enter earths atmosphere
b) space suits that allow them to go outside
c) a clock
d) exercise equipment to keep their bones and muscles healthy

Which of these characteristics makes Earth different than all other planets:
a) It has a rocky surface
b) it has a breathable atmosphere
c) it rotates
d) it has a moon

If NASA sends a probe to Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter. On which planet will it experience the STRONGEST gravitational pull?
a) Mercury
b) Venus
c) Mars
d) Jupiter

Early space vehicles were different than the space shuttle because:
a) Early vehicles carried more supplies
b) Early vehicles were not reusable
c) Early vehicles were safer
d) Early vehicles were bigger

The force that holds the planets in orbit around the sun
a) motion
b) gravity
c) friction
d) magic

Planets orbit the sun in an _____________ path that is oval in shape.
a) Circular
b) Objectified
c) Univerasal
d) Elliptical

Planets have many features. What is one feature that all have in common?
a) Size
b) Mass
c) Shape of Orbit (elliptical)
d) number of satellites

Objects in space that are CLOSE together have __________ gravitational pull on each other.
a) More
b) Less
c) Equal

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune are:
a) Inner Planets, Gas
b) Outer Planets, Gas
c) Inner Planets, Rocky
d) Outer Planets, Rocky

This changes when gravity changes and would be different on every planet in our solar system
a) mass
b) weight
c) gravity

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars are:
a) Inner planets, Gas
b) Outer Planets, Gas
c) Inner Planets, Rocky
d) Outer Planet, Rocky

The force that causes the planets to orbit the sun:
a) mass
b) weight
c) gravity

Which planet in our solar system would have the GREATEST amount of gravitational pull:
a) Venus
b) Earth
c) Jupiter
d) Saturn

How many Stars are in our solar system?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3

The amount of matter that makes up an object and ALWAYS remains the same is called:
a) mass
b) weight
c) gravity
d) solar system

The force that governs/controls all motion and movement in space:
a) Orbit
b) Planet
c) Galaxy
d) Gravity

The orbits of which planets lie closer to the sun than the earths?
a) mercury and venus
b) mercury and mars
c) venus and mars
d) venus and neptune

The moon orbits the earth because
a) it has to.
b) gravitational attraction between the earth and moon
c) the weight of the moon
d) the sun is big

The space shuttle was invented to be:
a) Reusable
b) Faster Than all other rockets
c) Bigger than most houses
d) Taller than the statue of liberty

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